



阅读案例,并回答问题。案例:下面是某化学教师关于“分子”的教学片段。环节一:情境创设,引入新课。利用走到花圃会闻到花香,湿的衣服经过晾晒会变干等情境激发学生思考:你能解释这些生活中的现象吗? 环节二:展示用扫描隧道显微镜获得的苯分子图像。环节三:演示实验1.向盛有冷水和热水的烧杯中,分别加入品红溶液,观察现象。2.将50mL酒精与50mL水混合,观测混合后溶液的体积。环节四:根据以上活动,分析分子的基本特征3环节五:多媒体动画演示水的蒸发与水的分解。环节六:总结概括,形成分子概念。










where="" can="" i="" get="" a="" sandwich’,”="" explains="" ms="" tu,="" “is="" more="" implemental="" than="" the="" mindset="" towards="" ‘should="" sandwich="" or="" not?’”Ms Tu and Dr Soman advise in their paper that “the key step in getting things done is to get started.” But what drives that? They believe the key that unlocks the implemental mode lies in how people categorise time. They suggest that tasks are more likely to be viewed with an implemental mindset if an imposed deadline is cognitively linked to “now” 一a so-called like-the-present scenario. That might be a future date within the same month or calendar year, or pegged to an event with a familiar spot in the mind's timeline (being given a task at Christmas, say, with a deadline of Easter). Conversely, they suggest, a deadline placed outside such mental constructs (being “unlike- the-present”)exists merely as a circle on a calendar, and as such is more likely to be considered deliberatively and then ignored until the last minute.To flesh out this idea, the pair carried out five sets of tests, with volunteers ranging from farmers in India to undergraduate students in Toronto. In one test, the farmers were offered a financial incentive to open a bank account and make a deposit within six months. The researchers predicted those approached in June would consider a deadline before December 31st as like-the- present. Those approached in July, by contrast, received a deadline into the next year, and were expected to think of their deadline as unlike-the-present. The distinction worked. Those with a deadline in the same year were nearly four times more likely to open the account immediately as those for whom the deadline lay in the following year. Arbitrary though calendars may be in parsing up the continuous flow of time, humans parse their concept of time in line withthem.The effect can manifest itself in even subtler ways. In another set of experiments, undergraduate students were given a calendar on a Wednesday and were asked to suggest an appropriate day to carry out certain tasks before the following Sunday. The trick was that some were given a calendar with all of the weekdays coloured purple, with weekends in beige (making a visual distinction between a Wednesday and the following Sunday). Others were given a calendar in which every other week, Monday to Sunday, was a solid colour (meaning that a Wednesday and the following Sunday were thus in the same week, and in the same colour). Even this minor visual cue affected how like-or unlike-the-present the respondents tended to view task priorities.These and other bits of framing and trickery in the research support the same thesis: that making people link a fiiture event to today triggers an implemental response, regardless of how far in the future the deadline actually lies. If the journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step, the authors might suggest that you take that step before this time next week.Why can a busy person hit deadline to the present according to the passage?Which is the closest to the meaning of the underlined phrase “flash out” in PARAGRAPH FIVE?What does the underlined “them” in PARAGRAPH FIVE refer to?What is the author’s primary purpose in writing this passage?Which best describes the author’s tone?'>

IF YOU want something done, the saying goes, give it to a busy person. It is an odd way to guarantee hitting deadlines. But a paper recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests it may, in fact, be true—as long as the busy person conceptualises the deadline in the right way.Yanping Tu of the University of Chicago and Dilip Soman of the University of Toronto examined how individuals go about both thinking about and completing tasks. Previous studies have shown that such activity progresses through four distinct phases: pre-decision, post-decision (but pre-action), action and review. It is thought that what motivates the shift from the decision-making stages to the doing-something stage is a change in mindset.Human beings are a deliberative sort, weighing the pro

When a teacher creates a real life situation for his students to discuss, he expects them not to focus on ________ too much.

A.form B.use C.meaning D.function


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