
Which of the following is a typical feature of formal writing?

A.Archaic words are usually preferre B.The precision of language is a priority. C.Short and incomplete sentences are preferre D.An intimate relationship with the audience is establishe

If a teacher starts with language examples and guides students to work out the rules, he/she is using the _________ method.

A.deductive B.conducive C.inductive D.constructive
In terms of the place of articulation, [t] [d] [s] [z] [n] are all _________.

A.palatal B.alveolar C.bilabial D.dental
The sense relation of the following pair of sentences is that _________. X: Mary's pet cat was stolen. Y: Mary’s has a pet cat.

A.X entails Y B.X is inconsistent with Y C.X presupposes Y D.X is synonymous with Y
案例:  针对“中国工笔花鸟画”教学内容,王老师和李老师分别采用了不同的方法展开教学:王老师从中国花鸟画的分类开始介绍,然后按照朝代讲解工笔花乌画的技法特点和发展脉络,最后进行总结:李老师则是先让学生根据教材和资料进行自学,然后组织课堂讨论,在遇到问题时进行点拨与启发,最后与学生一起进行总结。问题:请对两位老师的教学方法进行对比分析。
When a teacher asks students to discuss how the writer’s ideas are organized in the text, he/she intends to develop students' skill of _________.

A.recognizing the textual structure B.understanding the writer's intention C.distinguishing facts from opinions D.commenting on the content of the text
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