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A.《也许——葬歌》淋漓尽致地表达了生者告别死者的哀伤,哀婉而不悲惨,真挚而不夸饰。诗人没有刻意渲染,而是平静地娓娓道来,看似无章,实则有法,像是轻描淡写,实则激情内蕴,读来令人黯然销魂。B.《一个小农家的暮》语言质朴无华而富有变化。在写女主人公时运用色彩的变化来映衬她的勤劳、娴淑和美丽。“灶门里嫣红的火光,/闪着她嫣红的脸,/闪红了她青布的衣裳。” “嫣红”和“青布”是颜色的鲜明对比,动词“闪”逼真地写出了火光闪动的画面,生动地描写了农家生活中最细腻的厨房场景。C.诗是最精练的语言艺术,最忌讳词语重复,《秋歌— 给暖暖》却出现了五个“暖暖”(题目中一个,诗中四个),十个“暖”,可称白璧微瑕。D.江非的《妈妈》选取的意象是现代化文明的产物,而不是妈妈身边的事物,这些在都市里司空见惯的事物对一个偏远农村的妇女来说是那么遥远和陌生,暗示现代文明与乡村文明的距离。









第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) “If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!” This  36   seem a strange thing to say, But  37   things can help you to  38  them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it  39   your hands, you can feel how smooth and cold the ball is. You can feel how  40  the ball is . The roundness, smoothness,  41  and heaviness are all parts of the ball. When you feel all these things about the  42  , you really see it. You can feel surprisingly well, For example, your fingers can  43   the difference of coins in your pocket. You can feel a little  44  of water on the back of your hand. You can even feel  45  . Have you ever wondered why some people like very  46   music? They must like to feel the sounds of music as to hear them. All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means. They hear it often.  47   most of us keep right on touching things as we grow up. In stores, we touch things we want to  48  : food, clothing, tables and beds, To see something well, we  49 touch it. There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your  50   and try to feel  51  , Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, and the air. At first,  52 is not easy to feel these things, You are too  53  to them. Most things on  54  in museums are just for looking. But today, “Do touch!” There you can feel the shape of a gun, the smooth silk of a dress, and the rough  55  of an old chair.

A. may          B. must         C. should          D. willA. doing         B. seeing      C. touching          D. hearingA. know          B. see           C. hear             D. feelA. in            B. on           C. with             D. underA. heavy         B. light         C. big              D. smallA. lightness       B. temperature      C. warmth         D. coldnessA. glass          B. ball          C. parts             D. thingA. understand    B. say          C. tell              D. feel

44.A. drop           B. piece         C. block            D. bit 45.A. noise          B. songs         C. voice            D. sounds

A. quiet          B. peaceful       C. loud             D. silentA. Since          B. Though       C. Yet              D. SoA. eat             B. wear         C. buy              D. useA. can         B. shall         C. might          D. have toA. door          B. mouth      C. window           D. eyesA. everything      B. anything       C. them             D. nothingA. that           B. this          C. those             D. itA. used          B. interested      C. excited         D. movedA. wall          B. shelf         C. show             D. deskA. paper          B. cloth         C. wood            D. medal

D Time out, extra chores and taking away privileges are more useful forms of disciplining (惩戒)naughty children than spanking or hitting, according to a study on Wednesday. About 94 percent of parents use some form of physical punishment to teach their two-year-olds right from wrong, according to research studies. But psychologists say it could lead to later emotional and behavioral problems. Even children who were only spanked some of the time are more likely to show signs of sadness or have less confidence. “The key is to be fair and do the same thing each time. Doing something like hitting a child that seems cruel at best doesn’t help and can put a child at risk for problems,” said Dr Paul Frick, of the University of New Orleans in Louisians. “It is better to use other punishments,” he added. The use of physical punishment to teach children has long been debated. In countries such as Austria, Finland, Germany and Sweden, it is illegal to use physical punishment at home or in schools. Frick and his team, who studied the effects of physical punishment on 98 children, said they couldn’t find any positive effects. Some children learned more from the hitting than what the parent was trying to teach them. “The key is to have a lot of different forms of punishment depending on the age of the child,” said Frick, who reported his findings in the Journal of Applied Child Psychology. He recommended time out for younger children and taking away television and electronic toys for older children. Giving extra chores can also get the message across. Other measures are at least as effective as physical punishment and have less harmful potential consequences. The researchers kept children whom they thought were at risk of later conduct problems out of the test and an equal number of other children who acted as a control group, to study what measures would be most helpful. They questioned the parents and the children about positive and negative parenting behavior including the use of physical punishment. “We got it from both viewpoints,” said Frick. He added that children on the receiving end of a hit can learn that when they are upset and angry they hit, rather than understanding their behavior was wrong and that they need to do better.

What’s the purpose of the writer to write this article?

A.To debate if physical punishment is illegal. B.To introduce how to deal with young kids. C.To talk about how to discipline young kids. D.To order parents not to spank young kids.

Which of the following punishments is NOT recommended by Frick and his team?

A. Taking away toys                 B. Not allowing watching TV C. Doing more housework.          D. Switching TV channels 

What should be kept in mind when disciplining a kid?

A. How he or she usually behaves. B. Tell them why they are punished. C. Use different forms of punishment each time. D. Be fair and stick to the same principle.

According to the passage, why did Dr Frick advise against physical punishment?

A. Because the children may hit people as a solution to problems. B. Because the children will learn their behavior is wrong in time. C. Because it is illegal to use physical punishment in certain countries. D. Because parents think it’s the easiest way to teach kids right from wrong.

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