
D Time out, extra chores and taking away privileges are more useful forms of disciplining (惩戒)naughty children than spanking or hitting, according to a study on Wednesday. About 94 percent of parents use some form of physical punishment to teach their two-year-olds right from wrong, according to research studies. But psychologists say it could lead to later emotional and behavioral problems. Even children who were only spanked some of the time are more likely to show signs of sadness or have less confidence. “The key is to be fair and do the same thing each time. Doing something like hitting a child that seems cruel at best doesn’t help and can put a child at risk for problems,” said Dr Paul Frick, of the University of New Orleans in Louisians. “It is better to use other punishments,” he added. The use of physical punishment to teach children has long been debated. In countries such as Austria, Finland, Germany and Sweden, it is illegal to use physical punishment at home or in schools. Frick and his team, who studied the effects of physical punishment on 98 children, said they couldn’t find any positive effects. Some children learned more from the hitting than what the parent was trying to teach them. “The key is to have a lot of different forms of punishment depending on the age of the child,” said Frick, who reported his findings in the Journal of Applied Child Psychology. He recommended time out for younger children and taking away television and electronic toys for older children. Giving extra chores can also get the message across. Other measures are at least as effective as physical punishment and have less harmful potential consequences. The researchers kept children whom they thought were at risk of later conduct problems out of the test and an equal number of other children who acted as a control group, to study what measures would be most helpful. They questioned the parents and the children about positive and negative parenting behavior including the use of physical punishment. “We got it from both viewpoints,” said Frick. He added that children on the receiving end of a hit can learn that when they are upset and angry they hit, rather than understanding their behavior was wrong and that they need to do better.

What’s the purpose of the writer to write this article?

A.To debate if physical punishment is illegal. B.To introduce how to deal with young kids. C.To talk about how to discipline young kids. D.To order parents not to spank young kids.

Which of the following punishments is NOT recommended by Frick and his team?

A. Taking away toys                 B. Not allowing watching TV C. Doing more housework.          D. Switching TV channels 

What should be kept in mind when disciplining a kid?

A. How he or she usually behaves. B. Tell them why they are punished. C. Use different forms of punishment each time. D. Be fair and stick to the same principle.

According to the passage, why did Dr Frick advise against physical punishment?

A. Because the children may hit people as a solution to problems. B. Because the children will learn their behavior is wrong in time. C. Because it is illegal to use physical punishment in certain countries. D. Because parents think it’s the easiest way to teach kids right from wrong.



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D Sometimes you may have a strong desire to do something strange or terrible. However, chances are that you don’t act on your impulse (冲动), but let it pass instead. You know that to take the action is wrong in some way and that other people will not accept your behavior. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change over the years, how certain behavior and attitudes once considered taboo can become perfectly acceptable and natural at another point in time. Topics such as death, for example, were once considered so upsetting that it was a taboo to even talk about them. Now with the publication of important books such as On Death and Dying and Learning to Say Goodbye, people have become more aware of the importance of expressing feelings about death and, as a result, are more willing to talk about this taboo subject. One of the newest taboos is the topic of fat. Unlike many other taboos, fat is a topic that people talk about constantly. It’s not taboo to talk about fat; it’s taboo to be fat. The “in” look is thin, not fat. In the work world, most companies prefer youthful-looking, slim manager to sell their image as well as their products to the public. The thin look is associated with youth, vigor, and success. The fat person, on the other hand, is thought of as lazy and lacking in energy, self-discipline and self-respect. After all, how can people permit themselves to become fat? In an image-conscious society, thin is “in”, fat is “out”. It’s not surprising that millions of people have become obsessed (着迷) with staying slim and “in shape”. The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not, however, the only reason for people’s obsession with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most technologically developed nations, the life-style of people has changed since last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As a result of inactivity and disuse, people’s bodies can easily become weak. In an effort to avoid such a fate (命运), millions of people are spending more of their time exercising. Parks are filled with joggers and bicyclists, and many companies are providing special exercise equipment for their employees to use during the work day.

What does the word “taboo” refer to in the passage?

A. A crime committed on impulse. B. An unfavorable impression left on other people. C. A strong desire to do something strange or terrible. D. Behavior considered unacceptable to the society.

What does the underlined phrase “in”look probably mean?

A. The fashionable look.            B. The hidden look. C. The usual look.                 D. The inside look. 

According to the passage, the common belief is that ______.

A. fat people are full of energy B. thin people are more successful C. fat people prefer to have fat bosses D. thin people are less image-conscious

People pay more attention to diet and exercise because of ______.

A. their need to kill time            B. their love for sports C. their concern for health          D. their belief in hard work

Men are happier with money, while women find greater joy in friendships and relationships with their children, co – workers and bosses, a new global survey indicates.
The online survey of 28,153 people in more than 51 countries by global marketing and information firm Nielsen found that as the world struggles with a recession(衰退) and financial markets remain declined, many people are reminding themselves that money can’t buy happiness.
The Nielsen Happiness Study found that globally, women are happier than men in 48 of the 51 countries surveyed in August 2009, and only in Brazil, South Africa and Vietnam were men found to be happier than women.
“Because they are happier with non-economic factors, women’s happiness is more recession-proof which might explain why women around the world are happier in general than men are,” Nielsen Vice President of Consumer Research Bruce Paul said in a statement.
Japanese women reported the greatest difference and are 15 percent happier than Japanese men.Women are also more optimistic about the future, scoring higher than men on predictions of their happiness in the next six months.
Women were also more content with their marriage life, the study found.Japanese and New Zealand women reported the greatest difference in satisfaction with their marriage life.
Men are generally happier with their physical health than women, and this is especially pronounced in South Africa.Egypt bucks the trend, with women rating their happiness with their health considerably higher than men.
Globally, men rated their happiness with their mental health higher than women.It was the same in Belgium, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Egypt, and Israel.
There are three main drivers of happiness globally, according to the study: personal financial situation, mental health and job/career.Being satisfied with your partner is also important for happiness.
61.The passage mainly centers around ______.
A.key drivers leading to happiness
B.a study on happiness between sexes
C.a medical survey on men and women
D.comparisons between men and women
62.Compared with women, men tend to be happier with ______.
A.money, friendship and their family
B.financial situation, health and marriage life
C.the future, mental health and money
D.mental health, physical health and money
63.The underlined word in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to ______.
A.strengthens     B.opposes    C.follows    D.continues
64.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT right?
A.Globally, women are happier than men in general.
B.Women in Vietnam are not as happy as men.
C.Women score higher than men on predictions of their future.
D.Women’s happiness is less likely affected by financial crisis.
65.Which country has the biggest difference in happiness between men and women?
A.Japan.  B.New Zealand.    C.Egypt.     D.South Africa.

第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) “If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!” This  36   seem a strange thing to say, But  37   things can help you to  38  them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it  39   your hands, you can feel how smooth and cold the ball is. You can feel how  40  the ball is . The roundness, smoothness,  41  and heaviness are all parts of the ball. When you feel all these things about the  42  , you really see it. You can feel surprisingly well, For example, your fingers can  43   the difference of coins in your pocket. You can feel a little  44  of water on the back of your hand. You can even feel  45  . Have you ever wondered why some people like very  46   music? They must like to feel the sounds of music as to hear them. All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means. They hear it often.  47   most of us keep right on touching things as we grow up. In stores, we touch things we want to  48  : food, clothing, tables and beds, To see something well, we  49 touch it. There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your  50   and try to feel  51  , Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, and the air. At first,  52 is not easy to feel these things, You are too  53  to them. Most things on  54  in museums are just for looking. But today, “Do touch!” There you can feel the shape of a gun, the smooth silk of a dress, and the rough  55  of an old chair.

A. may          B. must         C. should          D. willA. doing         B. seeing      C. touching          D. hearingA. know          B. see           C. hear             D. feelA. in            B. on           C. with             D. underA. heavy         B. light         C. big              D. smallA. lightness       B. temperature      C. warmth         D. coldnessA. glass          B. ball          C. parts             D. thingA. understand    B. say          C. tell              D. feel

44.A. drop           B. piece         C. block            D. bit 45.A. noise          B. songs         C. voice            D. sounds

A. quiet          B. peaceful       C. loud             D. silentA. Since          B. Though       C. Yet              D. SoA. eat             B. wear         C. buy              D. useA. can         B. shall         C. might          D. have toA. door          B. mouth      C. window           D. eyesA. everything      B. anything       C. them             D. nothingA. that           B. this          C. those             D. itA. used          B. interested      C. excited         D. movedA. wall          B. shelf         C. show             D. deskA. paper          B. cloth         C. wood            D. medal

Just ten years ago, I sat across the desk from a doctor with a serious look. “Yes,” he said, “there is a serious injury in the left lung…” I listened, too  21  to speak, as he continued, “You’ll have to  22  work at once and go to bed. Later on, we’ll see.” He gave no definite promise of recovery.
Feeling like a man who has suddenly been placed under  23  of death. In the next three days, I  24  my affairs; then I went home, got into bed, and set my watch to tick off not the minutes,  25  the months. Two and a half years and many crashed hopes later, I left my bed and began the long  26  back. It was another year before I made it.
I speak of this experience because these years that passed so  27  taught me what to believe and what to  28  . They said to me: Take time,  29  time takes you. I realize now that this world I’m living in is not my oyster(牡蛎)to be opened but my opportunity to be  30  . To me, each day is such a  31  gift. The sun comes up and presents me with 24 brand new, wonderful hours—not to pass, but to  32  .
I’ve learned to  33  those little but all-important things I never thought I had the time to notice before: the play of light on  34  water, the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree. I seem now to see and hear and feel with some of the recovered  35  of childhood. I recall the touch of the springy earth under my feet the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed. It was like  36  one’s citizenship in a world one had nearly lost.  37  ,I sit back and say to myself, let me make a  38  of this moment I’m living right now. All this, I owe to that long time spent on the deadlines of life. Wiser people come to this awareness  39  having to acquire it the hard way. But I wasn’t wise enough. I’m  40  now, a little, and happier.
A.frightened B.embarrassed   C.shocked   D.confused
A.pick up   B.give up   C.take up   D.keep up
A.sentence  B.shadow   C.pressure   D.trial
A.figured out    B.looked after   C.cleared up D.concentrated on
A.or   B.and  C.nor   D.but
A.jump B.walk  C.rush  D.climb
A.quickly   B.slowly    C.quietly    D.easily
A.expect    B.desire    C.obtain    D.value
A.before    B.after  C.until  D.when
A.picked    B.accepted  C.grasped   D.quitted
A.precious  B.potential  C.pleasant   D.permanent
A.spend    B.fill   C.employ   D.kill
A.observe   B.appreciate C.ignore    D.respect
A.falling    B.rolling    C.running   D.pouring
A.ignorance B.absence   C.carelessness    D.freshness
A.regaining  B.requiring  C.rebuilding D.recovering
A.Regularly B.Immediately   C.Frequently    D.Continuously
A.copy B.note  C.study D.summary
A.beyond   B.by   C.without   D.through
A.better    B.stronger   C.wiser D.healthier

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