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Directions: Write an essay of about 150 words on the following topic.The Covid-19 global pandemic is the most extensive to afflict humanity in a century. What do you think is the most important thing we need to do after the crisis? Please justify your idea.


Career planning does not (A) guarantee that all the problems, difficulties, or (B) decision-making situations (C) facing you in the future will be solved or made (D) more easily.

Land belongs to the city; there is( )tiling as private ownership of land.

A.no such a B.not such C.not such a D.no such

NASA is casting a wider net in the space shuttle investigation as to what caused the spacecraft to swing out of control and( ) moments before it was to land.

A.disassemble B.disembark C.disintegrate D.disinherit

As the climate in the Middle East changed beginning around 7000 B. C” conditions emerged that led to a more complex and advanced form of civilization in both Egypt and of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia became drier, producing river-side lands that were both habitable and fertile, and attracting settlers armed with the newly developed technique of agriculture. This migration was further encouraged by the gradual transformation of the once-hospitable grasslands of these regions into deserts. Human population became increasingly concentrated into pockets of settlement scattered along the banks of the great rivers.The rivers profoundly shaped the way of life along their banks. In Mesopotamia, the management of water in conditions of unpredictable drought, flood, and storm became the central economic and social challenge. Villagers began early to build simple earthworks, dikes, canals, and ditches to control the waters and reduce the opposing dangers of drought during the dry season (usually the spring) and flooding at the harvest time.Such efforts required a degree of cooperation among a large number of people that had not previously existed. The individual village, containing only a dozen or so houses and families, was economically vulnerable; but when several villages, probably under the directions of a council of elders, learned to share their human resources in the building of coordinated network of water-control systems, the safety, stability, and prosperity of all improved. In this new cooperation, the seeds of the great Mesopotamian civilizations were being sown.Technological and mathematical invention, too, were stimulated by life along the rivers. New devices were first developed here for use in irrigation systems. Similarly, the earliest methods of measurement and computation and the first developments in geometry were stimulated by the need to keep track of land holdings and boundaries in fields that were periodically inundated.The livers served as high roads of earliest commerce. Traders used boats made of bundles of rushes to transport grains, fruits, fibers, and textiles from one village to another, transforming the rivers into the central spines of nascent commercial kingdoms. Trade expanded surprisingly widely; we have evidence suggesting that, even before the establishment of the first Egyptian dynasty, goods were being exchanged between villagers in Egypt and others as far as Iran.Similar developments were occurring at much the same time along the great river valleys in other parts of the world ---- for example, along the Indus in India and Hwang Ho in China. The history of early civilization has been shaped to a remarkable degree by the relationship of humans and rivers.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to explain( ).2.Which of the following social effects did the unpredictability of water supplies in Mesopotamia have?3. The earliest geometers were supported primarily by( ).4. It can be inferred from the passage that the emergence of complex civilizations in the Middle East was dependent upon the previous development of( ).5. The author refers to emerging civilizations in India and China primarily in order to emphasize( ).

A.how climatic changes led to the founding of the earliest recorded cities B.the influence of river life on the growth of early civilizations C.some of the recent findings of researchers into early human history D.the similarities and differences among several ancient societies问题2: A.It led to warfare over water rights among rival villages. B.It encouraged cooperation in the creation of water management systems. C.It drove farmers to settle in fertile grasslands far from the uncontrollable rivers. D.It had the actual effect of increasing the population there.问题3: A.mechanical artisans B.traders and merchants C.farm laborers D.land owners问题4: A.basic techniques of agriculture B.symbolic systems for writing and mathematical computation C.tools for constructing houses quickly and easily D.a method for storing and transferring wealth问题5: A.the im

Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children( )a violent act previously seen on television.

A.modifying B.accelerating C.duplicating D.simulating
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