51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

He is an honest person. He is ______ to do such a dishonest thing.

A.the least man B.not likely C.the last man D.the latest man


As political fanatic, he has fought with revolutionaries all over the world.

A.incumbent B.candidate C.zealot D.jealousy

We must improve the farming method ______ we may get high yields.

A.therefore B.as. C.in order that D.if

The question ______ tomorrow is whether income tax should be increased.

A.to be debated B.to debate C.debated D.that it will be debated

It has been estimated that about one fifth to one third of the world’s farmable topsoil is being eroded at a rate that will seriously undermine future productivity.

A.stimulate B.weaken C.determine D.harness

1. If the young engineer didn’t have all these qualities, he could never have done what he has done or have the chance of succeeding in what he is trying to do.2. Cloning doesn’t necessarily make cells grow old, and can even act as a fountain of youth, say researchers who have been investigating a group of cloned calves.3. We often reach an impasse in our thinking, at that moment we are looking at a problem, and trying to solve it and it seems there is a dead end.4. The curriculum of the high school is similar to conventional school that provide preparation for college, complete with English, history, math and science, besides, all students are required to take performing arts and sports and provide a community service.5. In the Philippines, women were found to contribute about a third of households’ cash income, but 55 percent of household support if the economic value of their activities at home, such as growing food, or gathering hay to feed the family donkey, is included.

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