51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

It has been estimated that about one fifth to one third of the world’s farmable topsoil is being eroded at a rate that will seriously undermine future productivity.

A.stimulate B.weaken C.determine D.harness


We must improve the farming method ______ we may get high yields.

A.therefore B.as. C.in order that D.if

The question ______ tomorrow is whether income tax should be increased.

A.to be debated B.to debate C.debated D.that it will be debated

Directing the union are technological advances that have made it easier to store and rapidly transmit information into homes and offices. Fiber-optic cable, for example—made up of hair-thin glass fibers—is a tremendously efficient carrier of information. Lasers shooting light through glass fiber can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire, or tens of thousands of paragraphs such as this one every second.The greatly increased volume and speed of data transmission that these technologies permit can be compared to the way in which a highway with many lanes allows more cars to move at faster speeds than a two-lane highway—hence, the information superhighway.


John boasted that he could finish the job all by himself in no time.

A.at any moment B.in time C.on time D.very rapidly
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