
The willful blindness in hockey toward concussions (头部撞击) has dropped. Hockey Canada has followed the lead of USA Hockey in preventing body checking (身体拦截) below age 13.(41) __________ This country's children have been facing similar danger at early ages, and Hockey had to deal with a deep worry in the winds of Canadians to make the rule change. The liking for body checking from an early age is part of what makes Canadian hockey what it is.The change in rules should be taken as a chance to draw special attention to skill development in an environment free of danger. (42)__________For years, many Canadian hockey parents and coaches have insisted that body checking at early ages is necessary to ensure that players can do it safely at older ages. (43)__________ When USA Hockey changed its rules for the 2011-2012 season, it also created bodychecking-education programs that will be mandatory (强制的) for all coaches, including those teaching players in the pre-checking ages. And it began to encourage more"touch", without real body checking from 9 to12. It also made the rules for 13 and up stricter. (44) __________Hockey Canada has taken serious steps to do away with hits on the head. (45) __________Too often, body checking has been used to try to separate a player from his head rather than from the ball. Children were paying a price for this country's love of the game.There are always changes in Canada's game, and the change in the body checking age sends the clearest message yet to coaches and parents that player safety is paramount (至上的) in the game.
A.True or not, there may be a safer way to teach hitting than to make younger players pay a price for it in head injuries.B.However, it's hard to change a sports culture so connected with who we are as a country.C.A bad head injury of Sidney Crosby, the hockey's greatest star, opened the eyes of hockey people everywhere.D.It may also control the loss of thousands of young players who don’t enjoy that environment.E.The USA is trying to show that it's possible to teach hockey protective skills without putting 11 and 12-year-olds in greater danger. It's worth the try.

“嫦娥三号”月球探测器于2013年12月2日成功发射,展开奔月之旅。“嫦娥三号”主要目标是实现在月面上软着陆并展开月面巡视勘察,此目标的确立说明(  )。①实践具有能动性②认识决定实践③认识是实践的目的④实践是认识发展的动力
思想品德课程是一门以初中学生生活为基础,以引导和促进初中学生(  )发展为根本目的的综合性课程。
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统计显示.今年一季度人民币兑美元的汇率从6.0539降至6.2180,下跌1641个基点,贬值幅度达2.64%。在其他生产要素成本和价格不变的情况下,人民币贬值会导致(  )。①刺激美国产品出口到中国②游客取消出境游计划③留学生家长换汇成本加大④有利于中国出口企业盈利
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