
请阅读Passage l。完成小题。Passage 1There will eventually come a day when The New York Times ceases to publish stories on?newsprint.Exactly when that day will be is a matter of debate."Sometime in the future,"the paper′s?publisher said back in 2010.Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside,there′s plenty of incentive to ditch?print.The infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper--printing presses,delivery trucks--isn′t just expensive;it′s excessive at a time when online-only competitors don′t have the same set?of financial constraints.Readers are migrating away from print anyway.And though print and sales?still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts,revenue from print is still declining.Overhead may be high and circulation lower,but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be?a mistake,says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.Peretti says the Times shouldn′t waste time getting out of the print business,but only if they go?about doing it the right way."Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for?them,"he said,"but if you discontinue it,you′re going to have your most loyal customers really?upset with you."Sometimes that′s worth making a change anyway.Peretti gives the example of Netflix?discontinuing its DVD-mailing service to focus on streaming."It was seen as a blunder,"he said.The more turned out to be foresighted.And ifPeretti were in change at the Times?"I wouldn′t pick?a year to end print,"he said."I would raise prices and make it into more of a legacy product."The most loyal customers would still get the product they favor,the idea goes,and they′d feel?like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in."So if you′re overpaying for?print,you could feel like you were helping,"Peretti said."Then increase it at a higher rate each year?and essentially try to generate additional revenue."In other words,if you′re going to make a print?product,make it for the people who are already obsessed with it.Which may be what the Times is?doing already.Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly$500 a year--more than?twice as much as a digital-only subscription."It′s a really hard thing to do and it′s a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn′t have a?legacy business,"Peretti remarked."But we′re going to have questions like that where we have?things we′re doing that don′t make sense when the market changes and the world changes.In those?situations,it′s better to be more aggressive than less aggressive."Which of the following would be the best title of the text?
A.Shift to Online Newspaper.All at OnceB.Cherish the Newspaper Still in Your HandC.Make Your Print Newspaper a Luxury GoodD.Keep Your Newspaper Forever in Fashion

The word"offend" originally meant"to strike against", but now the word signifies "to create or excite anger". This is an example of__________.
A.meaning shiftB.broadening of meaningC.narrowing of meaningD.loss of meaning
__________your valuable help, we couldn't have finished the experiment ahead of time.
A.If it were not forB.Had it not been forC.Were it not forD.If it has not been for
What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening activities?
A.The listening activity must have a real, communicative purpose.B.The listening activity must cater to students' real life.C.Pre-listening tasks must help students identify the purpose of the listening activity.D.The classroom climate surrounding the listening activity can be anxious.
__________aims to help students to pay attention to teaching content efficiently at the beginning of the class.
When a student said "Yesterday I goed to see a friend of mine", which of the following ways for correcting errors is not encouraged?
A.Oh, yes. I see you went to see a friend of yours.B.You goed to see your friend C.No, not goed. You should say went.D.Say it again, please.
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