


  注:①迟日:即春日。杜甫的诗歌中有不少“以诗为画”的作品,上面两首绝句都描绘了如画的春景,但两首诗在写景抒情上各有特点。(1)杜甫这两首诗所表达的感情不相同,各表达了作者什么样的感情? ______________________________(2)两首诗在描写景物的方法上各有什么特点?请作简要分析。 ______________________________



 【注】①谢枋得:宋末信州(今属江西)人,曾力抗元军,兵败后隐居福建。后被胁迫至燕京,绝食而死。②十年:宋德祐元年(1275),诗人抗元失败,弃家入山。次年妻儿被俘,家破人亡,至作此诗时将近十年。1、这首诗体现了诗人什么思想感情? ______________________________2、“天地寂寥山雨歇”一句对表情达意有什么作用?请简要分析。 ______________________________


注:①郑协:南宋移民。②芊芊:草木茂盛。1.这首诗写了那些景物?写景运用了哪些手法? ______________________________ ______________________________2.有人说诗中的“闲”字表现了诗人闲适恬淡的心境,你同意这种说法吗?请结合诗歌简要分析。 ______________________________ ______________________________

E In the UK, most children have their midday meal at school, but in many schools, parents can choose what their children eat. The children can have a school lunch—a hot, cooked meal; or they can take a packed lunch with them, which usually includes cold food like sandwiches. Often parents prepare lunches on the basis of what their children want. Cathy, a mother of three children, told us, “My children have packed lunches, because they say they hate school dinners. I make 3 packed lunches every morning, so we’re like a sandwich bar in our kitchen in the morning.” However, another mother, Susan, made her choice based on the nutritious value of the food. She said, “My daughter always has school dinners. I think she probably gets healthier food by having a cooked lunch at school than she would if I made sandwiches.” But how healthy are school dinners? Kaz, a father, wasn’t impressed with them. “Fizzy (有泡沫的) drinks were offered and I think there were a lot of chips.” The question of how healthy school food is was brought to Jamie Oliver, who launched a campaign to improve children’s nutrition, after spending a year working in a school kitchen. The TV series about the campaign won an award this week. He was horrified (惊恐的) at the junk food he saw being served, which included burgers, pizza and chips.  He decided to ban the junk, and started cooking good stews (炖菜) and curries for the children instead. Jamie improved the school dinners in that particular school, and trained the dinner ladies to cook healthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards of school food across the country. And it looks as if the changes have begun. 57 What would be the best title for the passage? A. School Dinners      B. Healthy Food C. Dinners in the UK     D. Research on Dinners

The underlined phrase “on the basis of” in the second paragraph probably means “______”.

A. by comparison      B. according to C. in spite of        D. for the good of 59 We can learn from the passage that ______. A. in Britain, all children have their lunch at school  B. Cathy’s children like school dinners C. stews and curries are healthy food D. Jamie Oliver works in a school kitchen

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. There are many schools in Britain. B. Susan chooses food for her daughter according to its nutrition. C. In the past, the food provided by British schools was not healthy enough. D. None of the parents in Britain like school food.


[注]:①鲁山:又名露山,在今河南省鲁山县东北。②野情:喜爱山野景色的情趣。③何许:何处。(1)作者在描写景物时,采取了以动衬静的手法,你从哪里可以看出作者是以“动”衬“静”的? ______________________________(2)欧阳修在《六一诗话》中说,诗家能“含不尽之意见于言外,然后为至矣”。本诗歌尾联是否如此呢?试作简要分析。 ______________________________

A lot of us lose life’s tough battles by starting a frontal(正面的) attack — when a touch of humor might well enable us to win. Consider the case of a young friend of mine, who
36 a traffic jam on his way to work shortly  37 receiving an ultimatum(最后通牒) about being late for work. Although there was a good reason for Sam’s being late — serious illness at home — he decided that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn’t  38 any longer. His supervisor(主管) was probably already pacing up and down preparing a dismissal
39  .
Yes, the boss was. When Sam entered the office at 9:35, it was as  40 as a locker room(更衣室)— everyone was hard at work. Sam’s supervisor  41 him. Suddenly, Sam forced a grin (露齿笑) and  42 out his hand. “How do you do!” he said. “I’m Sam Maynard. I’m   43 a job, which, I understand, became available just 35 minutes ago. Does the early bird get the worm?”
The room burst into  44  . The supervisor clamped off(忍住) a smile and walked back to his office. Sam Maynard had  45 his job — with the only tool that could win, a laugh.
Humor is a most effective, yet  46  ignored, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying “no”, criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want  47 his losing face. For some jobs, it’s the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialogue may start a quarrel.

A. hit             B. struck              C. beat                D. made
A. since             B. when               C. before               D. after
A. benefit           B. matter                    C. work                 D. affect 
A. debate           B. speech                   C. excuse               D. argument
A. noisy             B. quiet                 C. clean                 D. messy
A. shouted at        B. put up with           C. looked forward to     D. came up to
A. stretched         B. gave                 C. handed               D. expanded
A. searching for      B. preparing for         C. applying for      D. answering for
A. laughing          B. laugh                C. laughters             D. laughter
A. lost               B. saved                C. got                  D. found
A. frequently        B. occasionally          C. never                D. regularly
A. despite           B. with                 C. without              D. by
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