51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

You'll probably prefer to go to the International House of English because it ______.
A.offers free sightseeing and social activities
B.has a special course in spoken English
C.costs less than the other schools
D.has native English teachers


听力原文:M: Are men's suits on the sixth floor?
W: No, they are here, on the fourth. The sixth is for household appliances.
Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.In a shoe shop.
B.In a warehouse.
C.In a department store.
D.In a store for man's clothes.

The speaker is advised to speak slowly in order to help the listener to______.
A.remember some words
B.repeat the information
C.check the message
D.take some notes

听力原文:M: I'll make you flight reservation by phone now, and then write out the ticket for you.
W: That's fine. Can you please tell me the departure time again?
Q: What is the man doing?
A.Saying good-bye to a friend.
B.Buying tickets for a sports event.
C.Paying a bill at a friend.
D.Arranging a plane trip.

Speakers sometimes need to spell some words to help listeners to understand______.
A.long sentences
B.unusual words
C.difficult questions
D.important expressions

听力原文:W: What can I do for you, sir?
M: I'd like some fried chicken and a bag of chips, please.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.In a hospital.
B.In a restaurant.
C.In a store.
D.In a bank.

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