51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

听力原文:We have been involved with joint ventures of this nature in European countries and our experience has always been favorable. I would recommend that we sign an agreement based on our discussions and agree a date for our next meeting.



He expects an exotic study with freshwater worm from the Antarctic which can __ to yield results which will help to understand how mirror-image twins develop.

Not until Alice had a baby of her own __ (她才了解) how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.

The doorman politely requested she __ (be) quiet in the building.

听力原文:Man: I went on a canoeing course last weekend, rather against my better judgement, because although I enjoy swimming, I thought canoeing might be too difficult. And I was right. I really couldn't get the hang of it. I bet the tutors will remember me: not because I was one of their star students, far from it, but I fell out of the canoe more often than everyone else put together! But even so, I enjoyed it so much that when some of the group signed up to do another course together, in six months' time, I found myself signing up too. I bet the tutors refuse to teach me next timer

You will hear five different people talking about short courses they have attended. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says about their course. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you de net need to use.

A I was encouraged by the teachers to continue developing my skill.

B I learnt something about the subject that I hadn't expected.

C I preferred the social life to the course content.

D I intend doing a similar course again.

E I found out something about myself.

F I thought the course was good value for money.

Speaker 1

From his findings, Hay has established some flexible guidelines for parents of identical twins. One suggestion is for parents to __ so that contact with other children will __ accelerate language development.

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