51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

听力原文:Man: I went on a canoeing course last weekend, rather against my better judgement, because although I enjoy swimming, I thought canoeing might be too difficult. And I was right. I really couldn't get the hang of it. I bet the tutors will remember me: not because I was one of their star students, far from it, but I fell out of the canoe more often than everyone else put together! But even so, I enjoyed it so much that when some of the group signed up to do another course together, in six months' time, I found myself signing up too. I bet the tutors refuse to teach me next timer

You will hear five different people talking about short courses they have attended. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says about their course. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you de net need to use.

A I was encouraged by the teachers to continue developing my skill.

B I learnt something about the subject that I hadn't expected.

C I preferred the social life to the course content.

D I intend doing a similar course again.

E I found out something about myself.

F I thought the course was good value for money.

Speaker 1


The China Travel Service (or the CTS) (中国旅行社,简称“中旅社”), the first travel service of New China, is now one of the key elements in China's travel industry. It boasts the largest travel service with the most complete and fully-functioning network in the country. Currently the CTS group has over 200 subordinate travel services, 117 hotels, 46 duty free shopping centers and 62 tourist service companies all over China.

At school the students need to increase their knowledge in an organized way and __________(获得足够的科学词汇来进行有效的学术交际)

Part B

Below is a graph showing the distribution in the number of film viewers and television watchers in a certain city. Look at the graph and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following points. The title is The Different Changes in the Number of Filmgoers and TV-watchers.

the change in number of film-goers and TV-watchers in a certain citythe possible reasons for this change


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Opinion on College Graduates Working as Village Officials. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:




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