51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

Some people say that university students should concentrate on their own field of study, and that all the classes they take should by closely related to that subject. Others believe that university students should get general education, taking classes in many fields before concentrating on a single field. Which view do you support? Give reasons for your choice. You are to write an essay of about 400 words, commenting and expressing your views on the topic.

In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


The reason for governments to impose toils for the use of cars is that ______.

Our years of hard work are all in vain, _______ (更别提我们所花费的大量金钱了).

&8226;Read the text below about customer care.

&8226;In most of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

&8226;If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

&8226;If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

Customer care

Apart from ensuring that an efficient electricity supply for our customers, NatElectric provides an invaluable service in other areas

as well. While our Customer Helpline (charged at local rates) is thefirst point of contact with when you want to make an enquiry andwe receive a huge number of calls from customers - onaverage, there are 50000 calls a one week. Available 24 hoursa day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, our Helpline on advisorsaim at to answer 95 per cent of all calls within 15 seconds. Thereare more than 200 advisors, working in around the clock toprovide for this service, backed by a further 80 support staffwho do handle any necessary paperwork. Although our targetis to reply to letters within 10 working days, NatElectric regularlyresponds within three to four days, and we are especially proud of thevery high standards achieved of our customer relations team.


Question 1

What is an offer?

This is the first time I (see) __ such a terrible scene.

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