51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情


Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

The United States believes that the effort to reduce tensions is served by improving communication between countries that have different ideologies so as to lessen the risks of confrontation through accident, miscalculation or misunderstanding. Countries should treat each other with mutual respect and be willing to compete peacefully, letting performance be the ultimate judge. No country should claim infallibility and each country should be prepared to re-examine its own attitudes for the common good. The United States stressed that the peoples of Indochina should be allowed to determine their destiny without outside intervention; its constant primary objective has been a negotiated solution; the eight-point proposal put forward by the Republic of Vietnam and the United States on January F27,1972 represents a basis for the attainment of that objective in the absence of a negotiated settlement the United States envisages the ultimate with drawal of all U. S. forces from the region consistent with the aim of self-determination for each country of Indochina. The United States will maintain its dose ties with and support for the Republic of Korea; the United States will support efforts of the Republic of Korea to seek a relaxation of tension and increased communication in the Korean peninsula. The United States places the highest value on its friendly relations with Japan; it will continue to develop the existing close bonds.




The college students should learn at least one foreign language, so that they can ______(赶上先进技术).

With increasing popularity of digital TV and set-top boxes, the debate on public funding for the BBC is __ .

The girl(wear) __ a light green skirt today.

It was____ that the writer read an article in ESJ which helped him understand the "ghost hair" thing.

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