51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

It was____ that the writer read an article in ESJ which helped him understand the "ghost hair" thing.


I agree that______(世故的成人而不是孩子) are to blame for the problems in our education system,

Speaking of the online technology available for marketing, the author implies that the focus of the marketing change is on______.

You each have a chance to talk by yourselves. The examiner gives you a colour photograph to look at and asks you to talk about it. When you have finished talking, the examiner gives your partner a different photograph to look at and to talk about.

With increasing popularity of digital TV and set-top boxes, the debate on public funding for the BBC is __ .

__ (尽管困难重重), they continued their experiments and made great discoveries in the end.

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