51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

Changes in the way people live bring about changes in the jobs that they do.

Moro and more people live in towns and

cities instead on farms and in villages. Cities 【M1】__

and states have to provide services city people want,

such like more police protection, 【M2】__

more hospitals, and more schools. This means that more policemen, more nurses and

technicians, and more teachers must be hired.

Advances in technology has also changed 【M3】__

people’s ways of work. Dishwashers and washing machines do jobs that were once

done by the hand. The widespread use of such electrical

appliances means that there is 【M4】__

a need for servicemen to keep it running properl 【M5】__

People are earning higher wages and salaries.

This leads changes in the way of life. 【M6】__

As income goes down, people may not want

more food to eat or more clothes to wear. 【M7】__

But they may want more and better care from doctors, dentists and hospitals. They are

likely to travel more and to want more education.

Nevertheless, many more jobs are 【M8】__

available in these services.

The government also affects the kind of works people do.

The governments of 【M9】__

most countries spend huge sums of money for international defence.

They hire 【M10】__

thousands of engineers, scientists, clerks, typists and secretaries to work on the many

different aspects of defence.





Directions: Translate the following text into English.



Directions: Translate the following text into English.



听力原文:Friend: I like your new T-shirt, Sarah.

Sarah: Mm. The colours are nice, but the problem is it's too big. I got it from the shop at the sports centre. I went swimming there because it was a hot day, but it was too noisy for me. There were a lot of people in the pool.

Friend: So was it difficult to find a space in the car park there?

Sarah: Yes! It's not big enough.

Friend: Did you go to the cafe?

Sarah: Yes, for a cold drink. But I didn't stay. The tables and floor weren't clean.

Friend: Ugh! But I hear they have a good football club there.

Sarah: That's right. My brother wanted to go but it starts too late in the evening for him. It's a pity because it's not an expensive club.

Friend: Can you learn tennis there?

Sarah: I called about lessons but they cost too much.

Friend: I'll teach you tennis — but not today — it's too hot. Let's go for a cold swim in the river.

Listen to Sarah talking to a friend about a sports centre.

What is the problem with the different things at the sports centre?

For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each thing.

You will hear the conversation twice.


A. big

B. cold

C. dirty

D. expensive

E. hot

F. late

G. noisy

H. small

swimming pool ______.


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