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Sharks Perform a Service for Earth's Waters
It is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadly enemy.They are thought to ______(51)people frequently .But these fish perform a______(52)service for earth's waters and for human beings .Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their______(53).Some sharks are at______(54)of disappearing from earth.
Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activity.Many fish swim near coastal areas ______(55)their warm waters. Experts say sharks may follow the fish into the same areas, ______(56)people also swim.In fact,most sharks do not purposely charge at or bite humans.
They are thought to mistake a person______(57)a sea animal,such as a seal or sea lion.That is why people should not swim in the ocean when the sun goes down or comes up .Those are the ______(58)when sharks are looking for food.Experts also say that bright colors and shiny jewelry may cause sharks to attack.
A shark has an extremely good sense of smell.It can find small amounts of substances in water,such as blood,body liquids and______(59)produced by animals.These powerful ______(60)help sharks find their food.Sharks eat fish,any______(61)sharks,and plants that live in the ocean.
Medical researchers want to learn more about the shark's body defense and immune systems ______(62)disease.Researchers know that sharks______(63)quickly from injuries.They study the shark in hopes of finding a way to fight human disease.
Sharks are important for the world's______(64).They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too ______(65).This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans.
A:. times
B: places
C: seas
D: oceans

Will We Take Vacation in Spaces?
When Mike Kelly first set out to build his own private space-ferry service,he figured his bread-and-butter business would be lofting satellites into high-Earth orbit. Now he thinks he may have figured wrong.“People were always asking me when they could go,”says Kelly,who runs
Kelly Space TechnologT out of San Bernardino,Californi a.“I realized that real market is in space tourism.”
According to preliminary market surveys,there are 10,000 would-be-space-tourists willing to spend $1 million each to visit the final frontier. Space Adventure in Arlington,Virginia,has taken more than 1 30 deposits for a two-hour,$98,000 space tour tentatively(and somewhat dubiously)set to occur by 2005 .Gene Meyers of the Space Island Group says:“Space is the next exotic vacation spot.”
This may all sound great,but there are a few hurdles.Putting a simple satellite into orbit with no oxygen,life support or return trip necessary already costs an astronomical $22,000/kg.
And that doesn't include the cost of insuring rich and possibly litigious passenger. John Pike of the
Federation of American Scientists acerbically suggests that the entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner the space tourism market have between them“just enough money to blow up one rocket.”The U .S.space agency has plenty of money but zero interest in making space less expensive for the little guys.So the little guys are racing to do what the government has failed to do:design a reusable launch system that's inexpensive,safe and reliable.Kelly Space's prototype looks like a plane that has sprouted rocket engines.Rotary Rocket in Redwood City,California,hasa booster with rotors make a helicopter-style return to Earth;Kistler Aerospace in Kirkland,Wash- ington,is piecing together its versions from old Soviet engines,shuttle-style thermal protection tiles and an elaborate parachute system.The first passenger countdowns are still years away,but bureaucrats at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington are already informally discussing flight regulations.After all,you can't be too prepared for a trip to that galaxy far,far away.
For those who are intent on joining the 100-mile high club,Hilton and Budget are plotting to build space hotels.Before the Russian space Mir came down,some people were talking about using it as a low-rent space hotel to reduce the cost. If a space hotel is finally built in space,and if you're thinking of staying in it,you may want to check the Michelin ratings before booking yourself a suite.
Mike Kelly planned to turn his business of making bread and butter into a business that is engaged in space tourism.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned
Few Facts about Singapore
1. Singapore is an independent city state in southeastern Asia,consisting of one major island-the Singapore Island-and more than 50 small islands,located off the southern tip of Malay.The city of Singapore,the capital of the country,is at the southeastern end of the Singapore Island;it is one of the most important port cities and commercial centers of Southeast Asia. The total area of the re- public is 640 sp.km.
2. Low lying Singapore Island has no outstanding relief(轮廓鲜明的)features. A central area of hills rises to the maximum height of 176 m.The country has a wet tropical climate,with an average annual temperature of 27 .20℃.The average annual rainfall is 2,413 mm;the wettest months are November through January.
3. Singapore is governed under a constitution of 1959.A president,elected to a four-year term is head of state,and a prime minister is head of government. The president used to be selected by Parliament ,but by a 1991 constitutional amendment(修正案),the president is now elected direct-ly by the people.The Parliament is the law making body with its 81 members popularly elected.
4. In the late 1980s the country had some 290 primary schools with 278,300 pupils and 160 secondary schools with 200,200 students.The main institutions of higher education are the National
University of Singapore,several technical colleges,and a teachers college.
5. Singapore has one of the highest standards of living of any country in Asia. In the late 1980s the gross domestic product was estimated at$23 .7 billion,or$8,870 per person.The fishing industry is centered on the port of southwestern Singapore Island.Industry has grown rapidly since the 1 960s , and Singapore now produces a diversity(多样化的)of goods , including chemicals ,electronic items,clothing,and processed foods,etc.Shipbuilding and petroleum refining are also important.
Paragranh 5______
A: Education.
B: Land and climate.
C: State system.
D: Natural resources.
E: Economy of singapore.
F: Population.
Women,Keep Dieting!
To most women who are trying to keep slim,dieting can seem to last a lifetime,or to be more exact,31 years,for researchers have found that is how long the average woman spends on a diet over the course of her life.
A university did a research on diet of British people for as long as 10 years,whose result revealed such a picture.British women spend averagely six months a year counting the calories and more than one fifth are on a permanent diet throughout their lifetime in a seemingly never-ending pursuing the perfect figure.
However,they aren't the only ones waging a constant fight against the loose fat. The average adult male spends 28 years losing weight,the poll has discovered.It found that over a tenth of the UK population is currently dieting in a bid to shed the pounds after feasting on festive treats over the Christmas period.Though holding the best intentions,three quarters of those who began their New Year with the firm resolution to lose weight give up by the end of the week.The average diet lasts 5.5 weeks,with the post-Christmas fast being even shorter at just three weeks.Half of slimmers throw in the towel due to lack of determination,while a quarter of interviewee answered that they give up because the strict diet regime makes them moody or depressed.The most determined dieters of all are aged from 45 to 64,almost a quarter spending up to a year slimming. In comparison,those aged between 18 and 24 are more likely to be yo-yo dieters,with a fifth giving up within a month.
The survey of 1,446 of men and women found that nearly two thirds of the UK population are unhappy with their body and feel that being thinner would make them happier.
For women,looks are more important,with over half reporting that they diet to wear fashionable clothes and a third of those surveyed said they watched their weight in a bid to feel more attractive. But in comparison,men are more focused on their long-term well-being,with over a third saying they wanted to lose weight to be more healthy.
Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A:Averagely,British women are on diet six months each year.
B:Less than one fifth of British women are on a permanent diet throughout their lifetime.
C:Nearly two thirds of the UK population are unhappy with their body.
D:The most determined dieters of all are aged from 45 to 64.
From early times man has used garlic(大蒜).The Bible speaks of it. The Israelites
(古以色列人)were once far from home. They cried out to Moses, their leader, for the
foods they loved: leeks(韭菜),onions and garlic. The Romans , like the Israelites,
loved to eat garlic.And they hung bags of garlic around their necks.________(1)
They also thought it would keep them from getting sick.
A similar idea is still held.Many people take garlic thinking it will prevent or cure
disease .Most doctors say it does no such thing.________(2)Its smell may force
people to stay far apart.At least then they can't pass germs on to each other.
________(3)What if you're in a play,for instance?Actors have been known to
forget their lines because they couldn't stand the garlic smell on a fellow actor's breath.
Some have even made up new lines and actions that kept them far away from the one who
had eaten garlic.
Through the years man has tried to cope with the smell of garlic.________(4)
We now know why .It's been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth,
tongue,or gums(齿眼).They go into the lungs instead.From there they are breathed
out.They pass out through the skin too.
Strange as it seems,food may have a great deal of garlic in it without smelling or
tasting strong .It all depends on how it is cooked.French cooks make a good soup with
whole cloves(瓣)of garlic.They use more than thirty cloves in one bowl of soup.But
they take care not to crush them .And they cook them whole._______(5)And as
the cloves cook they change in some strange way.The soup turns out to be delicious.It's
not strong at all.
A:But no medicine,mouthwash,chewing gum,or toothpaste seems to help much,
B:As a result,the strong oils stay in the cloves.
C:They say it may help in one way,though.
D:Many people eat garlic.
E:But keeping your distance can be hard at times.
F:They hoped it would keep away the evil eye.
A New Strategy to Overcome Breast Cancer
Post-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer
significantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said there was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.
A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,published in Cancer
Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.
They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking, swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent
sitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.
Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60%of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as a
healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women."" More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more."
Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."
She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."
Dr.Alpa Patel was______.
A:chief editor of Cancer Epidemiology
B:chair of the American Cancer Society
C:chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign
D:head of the survey study
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