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Global Warming
Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate. Many scientists1the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase2the world's temperatures and are convinced that,more than3before,the Earth is at4from the forces of the wind,rain and sun.5to them,global warming is making extreme weather events,6as hurricanes and droughts,even more7and causing sea levels all around the world to8.
Environmental groups are putting9on governments to take action to reduce the 10 of carbon dioxide which is given 11 by factories and power plants,thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in12of more money being spent on research into so-lar,wind and wave energy devices,which could then replace existing power13.
Some scientists,14believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow,we would have to wait15hundred years to notice the results. Global warming,it seems,is here to stay.
A: amount
B: deal
C: number
D: count

Canadian Parents Win Legal Battle against Homework
Usually it is the children,not the parents,who are reluctant to spend their evenings practicing spelling and learning times tables.______(1)
Shelli and Tom Milley,two lawyers from Calgary,Alberta,launched their highly unu-sual case after years of struggling to make their three reluctant children do school work out of classroom. After waging a long war with their eldest son,Jay,now 18,over his home-work,they decided to do things differently with their youngest two,Spencer,11,and Brit- tany,10.______(2)
It took two years to negotiate the Milleys'Differentiated Homework Plan,which en-sures their youngest two children will never have to do homework again at their current school.______(3)In return,the pupils promise to get their work down in class,to come to school prepared,and revise for tests.They must also read daily and practice their musical instruments at home.
“It was a constant homework battle every night,”Shelli told Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper.“______(4).They shouldn't be working a second shift.”
Two years ago,Chelli began collecting studies on homework,most of which suggest that,particularly for younger grades,there is no clear link between work at home and school performance. Working with the staff at St Brigid Elementary Junior School,she formed a homework committee.______(5)
“We think it's a parent's right to choose what's in our children's best interests”,said Shelli.“But we're thankful the school did the right thing.”
A: Homework is becoming a big burden for children.
B: But a Canadian couple have just won a legal battle to free their offspring from home-work after successfully arguing there is no clear evidence it improves academic performance.
C: When no firm changes resulted from the committee,the couple began negotiating the legal document that decided the matter.
D: It is hard to get a weeping child to take in math problems.
E: And being lawyers,they decided to make it official.
F: The two-page plan, signed by the children, parents and teachers, stipulates(约定) that“homework will not be used as a form of evaluation for the children”.
If people didn't perspire,they would die in five minutes.
Improve Your Memory
To many people advancing age means losing your hair,your waistline and your memory.But is it an inescapable fact that the older you get,the less you remember? Well,as time goes by,we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.
When a teenager can't find her keys,she thinks it's because she's distracted or disorganized, but a 70-year-old blames her memory. In fact,the 70-year-old may have been misplacing things for decades一like we all do from time to time.
In healthy people,memory doesn't deteriorate as quickly as many of us think. According to psychologists,as we age,our memory mechanism isn't broken,it's just different.The brain's processing time slows down over the years,though no one knows exactly why.Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and that there's less activity in the part of the brain that decides whether to store information or not.But it's not clear that less activity is worse.A beginning athlete is winded. more easily than a trained athlete.In the same way,as the brain gets more skilled at a task,it spends less energy on it.
There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape.It's like having a good body. You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.
Some memory enhancement experts suggest using the AM principle.Pay attention to what you want to remember. Then give some meaning to it. We remember things when we focus on them, whether we intend to or not. That helps explain why jingles stick in our minds.They are played on loud,flashy TV commercials.They also use rhyme and music to help us remember better.
Basic organization helps us remember the boring stuff. For example,rather than trying to recall a random list of groceries,we can divide them into categories,such as dairy,meat and produce. For important things like keys and money,we can set up a"forget-me-not"spot where we always keep them.
We can also eat to aid our memory power. Whole grains,fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of glucose,the brain's preferred fuel. Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest. Sleep may allow our brain time to encode memories.
Interest in friends,family and hobbies does wonders for our memory.A sense of passion or purpose helps us remember. Memory requires us to pay attention to our lives,allowing us to discover in them everything worth remembering.
As we get older, our memory mechanism is broken,and so cannot be the same as it was before.
C:Not mentioned
The Greatest Mystery Of Whales
The whale is a warm-blooded,air-breathing animal,giving birth to its young alive,
sucking them一and,like all mammals,originated on land.There are many_________
(1)of this. Its front flippers(鳍状肢),used for steering and stability,are traces of feet.
Immense strength is_________(2)into the great body of the big whales,and in
fact most of a whale's body is one gigantic muscle.The blue whale's pulling strength has
been estimated_________(3)400 horsepower. One specimen was reported to have
towed(拖)a whaling vessel for seven hours at the_________(4)of eight knots (节).
An angry whale will_________(5)a ship.Afamous example of this was the fate
of whaler Essex,_________(6)was sunk off the coast of South America early in the
last century. More recently,steel ships have_________(7) their plates buckled(使弯
曲)in the same way. Sperm whales(抹香鲸)were known to seize the old-time
whaleboats in their jaws and crush them.
The greatest_________(8)of whales is their diving ability.The sperm whale dives
to the bottom for his_________(9) food, the octopus(章鱼).In that search he is
known to go as far down as 3, 200 feet,where the_________(10)is 1,400 pounds,to
a square inch.Doing so he will_________(11)underwater long as one hour. Two
special skills are involved in this:storing up enough_________(12)(all whales are air-
breathed)and tolerating the great change in pressure.Just how he does it scientists have
not_________(13).It is believed that some of the oxygen is stored in a special
_________(14)of blood vessels,rather than just held in the lungs.And it is believed
that a special kind of oil in his head is some sort of compensating mechanism that
_________(15)adjusts the internal pressure of his body.But since you can't bring a
live whale into the laboratory for study,no one knows just how these things work.
American Families
1 Despite social and economic differences among Americans,many American families have certain characteristics in common.Both the husband and wife were born in the United States,and their forefathers came from Europe.They have completed high school,and they belong to the middle class.They have a car, a television set,a washing machine,a refrigerator,a telephone,etc.They own their own home and spend about 55%of their income for housing and food.Clothing accounts for almost 10%of their income,medical care 6%,transportation 8%and taxes 15%.The rest of their income is used for such items as insurance, savings,gifts,and recreation.
2 Most families consist of a mother,a father,and,at most,two children living at home.There may be relatives-grandparents,aunts,uncles,cousins living in the same community,but American families usually maintain separate households.This family structure is known as the"nuclear family".It is unusual. for members of the family other than the husband,wife,and children to live together.
3 Marriage in the United States is considered a matte,r of individual responsibility and decision.Young people frequently fall in love and many even if their parents disagree.American marriages are usually based on romantic love,rather than on social class,education,or religion.
4 After their marriage the young couple is free to decide where to live and when to start a family.Most young couples set up their own household immediately.In the early 1970s only 15%of all married couples were not living on their own-independently and by themselves.Most married people practise some kind of birth control.They plan the number of children they are going to have and when their children will be born. The practice of limiting the size of families has general approval.The birth rate has been declining steadily in recent years.
Paragraph 2______
A:Post-marriage Life
B:The Birih Rate in the Early 1970s
C:Usual Family Structure of American Families
D:Features in Common in Many American Families
E:Marriage Concept in the USA
F:In Marriages Usually Romantic Love Is as Important as Social Class,Education,or Religion
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