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The Difference between Man and Computer
What makes people different from computer programs?What is the missing element that our theories don't yet1for?The answer is simple:People read newspaper stories for a reason:to learn more about2they are interested in. Computers,on the other hand, don't. In fact,computers don,t3have interests;there is nothing in particular that they are trying to find out when they read. If a computer4is to be a model of story understanding,it should also read for a“purpose”.
of course,people have several goals that do not make5to attribute to computers. One might read a restaurant guide6order to satisfy hunger or entertainment goals,or to 7a good place to go for a business lunch. Computers do not get hungry,and computers do not have business lunches.
However,these physiological and social goals give8to several intellectual or cognitive goals. A goal to satisfy hunger gives rise to goals to find9about the name of a restaurant which10the desired type of food,how expensive the restaurant is,the location of the restaurant,etc. These are goals to11information or knowledge,what we are call-ing12goals. These goals can be held by computers too;a computer13“want”to find out the location of a restaurant,and read a guide in order to do so14the same way as a person might. While such a goal would not15out of hunger in the case of the com-puter,it might well arise out of the“goal” to learn more about restaurants.
B: how
C: what
D: when

The Arctic Ice is Thawing
Father Christmas may have to move his"workshop"from the North Pole because global warming is
thawing the ice beneath his feet and his reindeers'feet as well.His"workshop"is in dire straits.The"plat-
form"for the"workshop"is melting,said Stefan Norris of the World Wildlife Fund environmental group's
Arctic Program.
An eight-nation report by 250 scientists published recently predicted the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free
in summer by 2100 because of a build-up of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere,mainly from burning fossil
fuels in cars or factories.The North Pole is getting more and more uninhabitable to Father Christmas.
__________(46)Young people learn that Father Christmas'"workshop"produces millions of gifts delivered
by him on a flying,reindeer-drawn sleigh.Hollywood movies like"The Polar Express"tried to make viewers
believe that Father Christmas lives at the North Pole._______(47)
The"Fortress of Solitude"is near the North Pole that could be under threat in a warmer world. Alan Boldt,
spokesman of the Danish Ministry of Science,suggested ways to rescue Father Christmas._________(48)
Another alternative,he argued,woald be building some electrical facilities to ensure the ice stays on the North
Pole for him."This should be a subject for the United Nations,"he said."Danmark could build windmills to pro-
vide Father Christmas with power."Denmark says Father Christmas'real home is Greenland,which will help,
Denmark thinks,to strengthen its position in claiming the sovereignty over the Pole.__________(49)
"Doesn't he already speak Danish?"Boldt said frostily when asked if Father Christmas would be forced
to learn Danish if Denmark won international recognition of its claim to the Pole.Last month's Arctic report
said the region is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe,partly because dark ground or water,once un-
covered,soaks up more heat than ice or snow.Finland has been most favored by Father Christmas and it has
about 500,000 tourists a year to visit its Christmas center in Rovaniemi in Lapland._________(50)
A:However,Nordic nations all reject it by claiming that their countries are his home.
B:Therefore the North Pole is the most attractive place in the world.
C:If Denmark's claim were accepted internationally,it would have the legal right to search for oil and gas at the North Pole.
D:One of them would be building a giant floating ice rink for the workshop if the Pole thaws.
E:Maybe Father Christmas has already moved to Rovaniemi.
F:He may have to move from the North Pole within our children's lifetimes.
Fight against the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
Once the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient's cancer,doctors face an even more difficult question:how do you help patients deal with the side effects of treatment?
The issue is a challenge for physicians because,unlike with cancer therapies,there are few scientific studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effects一including common symptoms such as poor sleep or fatigue. But addressing these seemingly common complications(并发症)is crucial for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle,which in turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.
That's why Dr. Karen Mustian of the University of Rochester Medical Center decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors一yoga一to the test.In a paper she will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (肿瘤学)(ASCO) annual meeting in June, Mustian designed a standardized program based on hatha yoga一a slow-moving form of the discipline一and tested its effect on improving the quality of life for cancer survivors.
Called YOCAS,the four-week program involved sessions of hatha yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each,in combination with breathing exercises and meditation(冥想).Among the 410 participants,who were divided into yoga and traditional follow一up care groups,those practicing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep quality and reduction of fatigue compared to those not practicing yoga. They also reported better quality of life overall,Mustian says.
For cancer physicians,the findings will be a welcome addition to their discussions with patients."Many patients ask about complementary (互补的)therapies, whether they are exercise or meditation or yoga," says Dr. Douglas Blayney,medical director of the comprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president of ASCO."I often don't know what to tell them because there isn't lot of science on these complementary therapies. Here is a scientific study showing benefit,so at least we can have some assurance in telling women that there is a yoga program,here are its characteristics and it has been shown to have beneficial effects on sleep and quality of life."
What does the experiment done by Mustian show?
A:Yoga is the most favorite practice among cancer patients.
B:Yoga indeed helps to improve the quality of cancer patients' life.
C:Yoga is the best way to improve the quality of cancer patients' life.
D:Traditional follow-up care couldn't improve cancer patients' sleep quality.
More Than a Ride to School
The National Education Association claims,"The school bus is a mirror of the
community."They further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exterior does not
always reflect the reality of a chosen community.They are right一sometimes it reflects
more!Just ask Liesl Denson.Riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for
Bruce Hardy,school bus driver for Althouse Bus Company has been Liesl's bus driver
since kindergarten.Last year when Liesl's family moved to Parkesburg,knowing her bus
went by her new residence,she requested to ride the same bus.
This year Liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.She says,"It's
been a great ride so far!My bus driver is so cool and has always been a good friend and a
good listener.Sometimes when you're a child adults do not think that what you have to say
is important.Mr. Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel
important."Her friends Ashley Batista and Amanda Wolfe agree.
Bruce Hardy has been making Octorara students feel special since 1975.This year he
will celebrate 30 years working for Althouse Bus Company.Larry Althouse,president of the
company,acknowledges Bruce Hardy's outstanding record:"You do not come by
employees like Bruce these days.He has never missed a day of work and has a perfect
driving record.He was recognized in 2000 by the Pennsylvania School Bus Association for
driving 350, 000 accident free miles.Hardy's reputation is made further evident through the
relationships he has made with the students that ride his bus."
Althouse further adds,"Althouse Bus Company was established 70 years ago and has
been providing quality transportation ever since.My grandfather started the business with
one bus.Althouse Bus Company is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and
safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide
quality service for many more years to come."
Three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed.Thanks to drivers
like Bruce Hardy,they have been building relationships through generations.Liesl's mother
Carol also enjoys fond memories of riding Bruce Hardy's bus to the Octorara School District.
Althouse Bus Company pays much attention to
A:employing young drivers.
B:running quality schools.
C:providing free driving lessons.
D:building sound relationships.
The manager allocate duties to the clerks.
A: assign
B: persuade
C: ask
D: order
Opponents find it very difficult to control Yao Ming because of his_____
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