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Brunel was involved less in railway construction than in other engineering fields.
C.Not mentioned

Earth Rocks on
Most of the time,the ground feels solid beneath our feet. That{S comforting. But it's also misleading
because there's actually a lot going on underground.Masses of land(called plates)slip,slide,and bump
against each other,slowly changing the shape of continents and oceans over millions and billions of years.
Scientists know that Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago.They also know that our planet was hot at
first. As it cooled , its outermost layer , called the crust(地壳), eventually formed moving plates. Exactly
when this shift happened,however,is an open question.
Now,an international group of researchers has an answer. They'ye found new evidence suggesting that
Earth's crust started shifting at least 3.8 billion years ago.The new estimate is 1.3 billion years earlier than
previous ones.
Not long before 3. 8 billion years ago,lots of asteroids(小行星)were hitting Earth,keeping its crust in
a hot,melted state.After the hard crust formed,much of it sank at various times into the planet's hot in-
sides.There,it melted before returning to the surface.
In some places,however,the crust never sank.One of the oldest such places is in Greenland,in an area
called the Isua supracrustal(上地壳) belt. The rocky crust there is between 3. 7 and 3. 8 billion years old.
The belt was once part of the seafloor,but now it is exposed to air.
The researchers recently took a close look at the Isua supracrustal belt. They noticed long,parallel
cracks in the rock that have been filled in with a type of volcanic rock.
To explain this structure,the scientists propose that tension in the crust caused the seafloor to crack
open long ago. Hot , liquid rock , called magma(岩浆),flowed up slowly from deep inside Earth to fill the
cracks.Finally,the whole area cooled,forming what we see today.
That explanation,plus chemical clues inside the rock,suggests that the Isua supracrustal belt was once
part of a plate under the ocean,beginning around 3.8 billion years ago.
The shape of lands and oceans are slowly changed with the movements of plates.
C:Not mentioned
The iPad
1 The iPad is a tablet computer(平板电脑)designed and developed by Apple. It is particularly mar-
keted as a platform for audio and visual media such as books,periodicals,movies,music,and games,as well
as web content.At about 1.5 pounds(680 grams),its size and weight are between those of most contempora-
ry smartphones and laptop computers.Apple released the iPad in April 2010,and sold 3 million of the de-
vices in 80 days.
2 The iPad runs the same operating system as iPod Touch and iPhone.It can run its own applications
as well as ones developed for iPhone.Without modification,it will only run programs approved by Apple and
distributed via its online store.
3 Like iPhone and iPod Touch,the iPad is controlled by a multitouch display一a break from most pre-
vious tablet computers , which uses a pressure-triggered stylus(触控笔).The iPad uses a Wi-Fi data connec-
tion to browse(浏览)the Internet, load and stream media ,and install software. Some models also have a 3G
wireless data connection which can connect to GSM 3 G data networks.The device is managed and synchro-
nized by iTunes on a personal computer via USB cable.
4 An iPad has different features and applications one can use to execute different and interesting
things.There are lots of iPad applications that the owner can use to enhance the way they communicate.Some
of these are how to use social networking sites and other online options.One of the most common uses is for
e-mail services.iPad applications like Markdown Mail allow the adoption of specific and particular options.
They enable the owner to personalize their email accounts.
5 While the iPad is mostly used by consumers it also has been taken up by business users.Some com-
panies are adopting iPads in their business offices by distributing or making available iPads to employees.Ex-
amples of uses in the workplace include lawyers responding to clients,medical professionals accessing health
records during patient exams,and managers approving employee requests.A survey by Frost&Sullivan shows
that iPad usage in workplaces is linked to the goals of increased employee productivity,reduced paperwork,
and increased revenue.
In April 2010 the iPad developed by Apple was_____.
Your suitcase is rather heavy ,what have you got in it?
When I heard the noise in the next room,I couldn't resist having a peep.
A: chance
B: visit
C: try
D: look
You should have blended the butter with the sugar thoroughly before you heated them.
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