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The walls are made of hollow concrete blocks.

Electronic Mail
During the past few years,scientists all over the world have suddenly found themselves pro-ductively engaged in task they once spent their lives avoiding—writing,any kind of writing,but particularly letter writing. Encouraged by electronic mail's surprisingly high speed,convenience and economy,people who never before touched the stuff are regularly,skillfully,even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence.
Electronic networks,woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days,are the route to colleagues in distant countries,shared data,bulletin boards and electronic journals.Any-one with a personal computer,a modern and the software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on.An estimated five million scientists have done so with more joining every day,most of them communicating through a bundle of interconnected domestic and foreign routes known col-lectively as the Internet,or net.
E-mail is starting to edge out the fax,the telephone,overnight mail,and of course,land mail.It shrinks time and distance between scientific collaborators,in part because it is conven-iently asynchronous(异步的)( Writer can type while their colleagues across time zones sleep; their message will be waiting.).If it is not yet speeding discoveries,it is certainly accelerating communication.
Jeremy Bernstein,the physicist and science writer,once called E-mail the physicist's umbili-cal cord(脐带).Later other people,too,have been discovering its connective virtues. Physi-cists are using it;college students are using it;everybody is using it;and as a sign that it has come of age,the New Yorker has celebrated its liberating presence with a cartoon—an apprecia-tive dog seated at a keyboard,saying happily,“on the Internet,nobody knows you're a dog.”
Why is a dog sitting before a computer keyboard in a cartoon published by New Yorkers?
A: Even dogs are interested in the computer.
B: E-mail has become very popular.
C: Dogs are liberated from their usual duties.
D: E-mai deprives dogs of their owners' love.
1 A hurricane(飓风)is a tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 miles per hour. Hurricane winds blow in a large spiral(螺旋)around a relative calm center know as the“eye”.The“eye” is generally 20 to 30 miles wide,and the storm may ex- tend outward 400 miles. As a hurricane nears land,it can bring heavy rains,high winds,and storms(风暴潮).The storm surges and heavy rains can lead to flooding.
2 Hurricanes are given a different label,depending on where they occur. If they begin over the North Atlantic Ocean,the Caribbean Sea,the Gulf of Mexico,or the Northeast Pa-cific Ocean,they are called hurricanes.Similar storms that occur in the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the International Date Line are called typhoon. Near Australia and in the India Ocean, they are referred to as tropical cyclones(龙卷风).
3 When a hurricane hits land,it can do great damage through its fierce winds,heavy rains , inland(内陆的)flooding, and huge waves crashing onto the shore. During a hurri-cane,homes,businesses,and public buildings may be damaged or destroyed;road and bridges can be washed away. A powerful hurricane can kill more people and destroy more property than any other natural disaster. Fishermen are at special risk from hurricanes as they may be at sea when a hurricane arrives and not be able to get to a safe harbour if they do not receive adequate warning.
4 If a hurricane is coming in your area,the most important thing is to stay calm and find shelter immediately. Go to your safe room. If you do not have one,stay indoors during the hurricane and go to a safer place near the center of your home. Cover yourself with a blanket and be sure to keep away from windows and glass doors,because if the glass breaks it's real-ly dangerous. Do not be fooled if there is a lull(暂停);it could be the eye of the storm-winds will pick up again.
Paragraph 1_________
A: What Should You Do During a Hurricane?
B: What Are Different Names of Hurricanes?
C: What Is a Hurricane?
D: What Damages Can a Hurricane Cause?
E: How Do You Know a Hurricane Is Coming?
F: Where Do Hurricanes Usually Happen?
She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.
A: played
B: sent
C: showed
D: told
Longer Lives for Wild Elephants
Most people think of zoos as safe places for animals,where struggles such as having difficulty finding
food and avoiding predators(猛兽)don't exist. Without such problems,animals in zoos should live to a ripe
(成熟的)old age.
But that may not be true for the largest land animals on Earth.Scientists have known that elephants in
zoos often suffer from poor health.Sometimes,they even become unable to have babies.
To learn more about how captivity(圈养)affects elephants, a team of international scientists compared
the life spans of female elephants born in zoos with female elephants living outdoors in their native lands.
Zoos keep detailed records of all the animals in their care,documenting factors such as birth dates,illnes-
ses,weight and death.These records made it possible for the researchers to analyze 40 years of data on 800
African and Asian elephants in zoos across Europe.The scientists compared the life spans of the zoo-born fe-
male elephants with the life spans of thousands of wild female elephants in Africa and Asian elephants that
work in logging camps(伐木场), over approximately the same time period.
The team found that female African elephants born in zoos lived an average of 16.9 years. Their wild
counterparts who died of natural causes lived an average of 56 years一more than three times as long. Female
Asian elephants followed a similar pattern. In zoos,they lived 18.9 years,while those in the logging camps
lived 41.7 years.
Scientists don't know yet why wild elephants seem to get on so much better than their zoo-raised coun-
terparts.Georgia Mason,a biologist at the University of Guelph in Canada who led the study,thinks stress
and obesity(肥胖症)may be to blame. Zoo elephants don't get the same kind of exercise they would in the
wild,and most are very fat. Social lives of elephants are also much different in zoos than in the wild,where
they live in large herds and family groups.
The study raises some questions about acquiring more elephants to keep in zoos.While some threatened
and endangered species living in zoos reproduce(生殖)successfully and maintain healthy populations,that
doesn't appear to be the case with elephants.
Unlike other animals in zoos,zoo-raised elephants
A:live a long life
B:give birth to many babies
C:develop poor health
D:have difficulty getting food
She was close to success.
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