

对于假想防卫,应当(  )。
Weighing ourser egulay s aoneru way 1o stay aware or any sginant wegt ncuatoros(1),whendone too often,this habit can sometimes hurt more thatit(2)As for me,weighing myself every day caused ma to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physicaly active to focusing(3)on the scale.That was bad to my overall fitness goals.|had gained weight in the form of muscle mass,but thinking onlyof(4)the number on the scale,|altered my training program.That conflicted with how|needed to trainto(5)my goals.|also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate(6)of the hard work and progress|was making in the gym.It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight(7)altering your training program.The most(8)changes will be observed in skill level,strength and inches lost.For these(9)|stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule(10).since weight lIoss is not my goal,it is less important for me to(11)my weight each week.Weighing every otherweek allows me to observe and(12)any significant weight changes.That tells me whether Ineed to(13)my training program.|use my bimonthly weight-in(14)to get information about my nutrition as well.If my training intensity remains the same,but I'm constantly(15)and dropping weight,thisisa(16)that|need to increase my daily caloric intake.The(17)to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health,fitness and well-being.I'm experiencing increased zeal for working out since|no longer carry the burdenofa(18)morning weigh-in.I've also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals.(19)I'm training according to those goals,not the numbers on a scale.Rather than(20)over the scale,turn your focus to how you kook,feel,how you clothes fit and your overall energy level.5选?
Text 4 Alphabet Inc.'s most successful product-the Google search engine-may now be its most problematic.On Tuesday,the European Commission's top antitrust regulator levied a$2.7-billion fine against Alphabet and Google for the way the search engine handles requests for information about products.Specifically,Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said that Google twisted its results to bury links to rival companies'comparison shopping sites while prominently featuring its own service,Google Shopping.Google responded that it's simply trying to give users what they want and denied"favoring ourselves,or any particular site or seller."It has a lot at stake:Google has integrated many different offerings into its search engine,including its mapping and travel services.The principle advanced by Vestager,however,is a good one:Giant online companies shoulcl not be able to take advantage of their dominance in one field to hurt competitors in another.Google's argument is:It integrated Google Shopping,which offers links to products at sites that advertise on Google.into its search engine because that gave users quicker access to the information they were seeking.And in the United States,the key question in antitrust!aw is whether a company's behavior hurts users,not whether it hurts the company's competitors.European regulators focus more on competitors,but they really are two sides of the same coin.If competitors are unfairly closed out,the public can miss out on the very real benefits that vigorous competition provides.At the same time,it's undeniable that the public has welcomed virtual monopolies in search,social media and other services in the Internet era.A large part of the appeal of sites like Facebook and Twitter is that so many people use them.There's a network effect for social media apps in particular-the more people who use the service,the more valuable it becomes to them.Meanwhile,start-ups come out of nowhere to create whole new categories of must-have apps and proclucts online.That means dominant companies have to innovate too,or else they can easily change from today's thing to yesterday's.And often,that innovation involves finding a better way to do something that a competitor is doing.The challenge for regulators is to provide the big companies space to try new things without grossly disrupting the market,closing out other companies and reducing consumer choice,which will ultimately lead to less innovation.A good place to start is by focusing on cases where there is evidence of intentional undermining of competitors-where a dominant company alters the platform it provides not just to feature its own services,but to make it harder to find or use its rivals'.
The European Commission fined Google for_____
A.providing false information
B.integrating multiple offerings
C.manipulating search results
D.defaming rival companies
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