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Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ______ to the outside world.

A.being lost B.having lost C.losing D.lost


The ______ in his plan was clear and it can’t possibly succeed.

A.advantages B.merits C.deficiencies D.proficiencies

The doctors were sure they could cure my husband’s disease, but when ______ arose they lost hope.

A.compliments B.complications C.complexions D.compensations

So much data indicate the world’s progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of targets adopted by world leaders at the UN more than ten years ago. But the goal-setting exercise has further pitfalls. Too often, the goals are reduced to working out how much money is needed to meet a particular target. Yet the countries that have made most progress in cutting poverty have largely done so not by spending public money, but by encouraging faster economic growth. As Shanta Devarajan, the World Bank’s chief economist for Africa, points out, growth does not just make more money available for social spending. It also increases the demand for such things as schooling, and thus helps meet other development goals. Yet the goals, as drawn up, made no mention of economic growth.Of course growth by itself does not solve all the problems of the poor. It is also clear that while money helps, how it is spent and what it is spent on are enormously important. For instances, campaigners often ask for more to be spent on primary education. But throughout the developing world teachers on the public payroll are often absent from school. Teacher-absenteeism rates are around 20% in rural Kenya, 27% in Uganda and 14% in Ecuador.In any case, money that is allocated for such services rarely reaches its intended recipients. A study found that 70% of the money allocated for drugs and supplies by the Uganda government in 2000 was lost; in Ghana, 80% was siphoned off. Money needs to be spent, therefore, not merely on building more schools or hiring more teachers, but on getting them to do what they are paid for, and preventing resources from disappearing somewhere between the central government and their supposed destination.The good news is that policy experiments carried out by governments, NGOs, academics and international institutions are slowly building up a body of evidence about methods that work. A large-scale evaluation in Andhra Pradesh in southern India was shown, for example, that performance pay for teachers is three times as effective at raising pupil’s test scores as the equivalent amount spent on school supplies.And in Uganda the government, appalled that money meant for schools was not reaching them, took to publicizing how much was being allotted, using radio and newspaper. Money wastage was dramatically reduced. The World Bank hopes to bring such innovations to the notice of other governments during the summit, if it can. For if the drive against poverty succeed, it will owe more to such ideas and wider use than to targets set at UN-sponsored summits.26. According to the text, which of the following merits can’t we derive from economic growth?27. Teacher-absenteeism is cited as example ________.28. According to the author, we should ________ when dealing with allocated money.29. On which of the following would the author most probably agree?30. We may infer from the last paragraph that ________.

A.It increases other demands such as education. B.It may help the government to fulfill Millennium Development Goals. C.Faster growth will lift the poor out of poverty. D.Economic growth may solve some problems of the poor.
A.to call for governments apply performance pay to teachers B.to underline the importance of money should be spent on where it is needed C.to state that the allocated money should get staffs to do what they are paid for D.to show that African countries have a long way to go before reaching the UN’s goalposts
A.avoid the leakage of money B.give the anti-poverty plans the priority C.promote education to a higher level D.improve public infrastructure first
A.Economic growth does not make more money available for social spending. B.Money leakage is a big problem that Africa encounters. C.Millennium Development Goals may involve each country’s GDP growth. D.Millennium Development Goals have come to be seen as applying to each developing country.
A.the World Bank plays an important role in helping Uganda fix money leakage B.money leakage is rampantly flourishing in Ugan

The room was small and ______ so that the disabled man could reach everything without much difficulty.

A.complex B.compact C.comparable D.compatible

The art gallery purchased several beautiful ______ from that famous artist.

A.canes B.canoes C.canyons D.canvases
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