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Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Before, whenever we had wealth, we started discussing poverty. Why not now? Why is the current politics of wealth and poverty seemingly about wealth alone? Eight years ago, when Bill Clinton first ran for president, the Dow Jones average was under 3,500, yearly federal budget deficits were projected at hundreds of billions of dollars forever and beyond, and no one talked about the “permanent boom” or the “new economy”. Yet in that more straitened time, Clinton made much of the importance of “not leaving a single person behind”. It is possible that similar “compassionate” rhetoric might yet play a role in the general election. But it is striking how much less talk there is about the poor than there was eight years ago, when the country was economically uncertain, or in previous eras, when the county felt flush. Even last summer, when Clinton spent several days on a remarkable tour through impoverished areas from Indian reservations in South Dakota to ghetto neighborhoods in East St. Louis, the administration decided to refer to the effort not as a poverty tour but as a “new market initiative”.What is happening is partly a logical, policy-driven reaction. Poverty really is lower than it has been in decades, especially for minority groups. The most attractive solution to it—a growing economy—is being applied. The people who have been totally left out of this boom often have medical, mental or other problems for which no one has an immediate solution. “The economy has sucked in anyone who has any preparation, any ability to cope with modern life,” says Franklin D. Raines, the former director of the Office of Management and Budget who is now head of Fannie Mac. When he and other people who specialize in the issue talk about solutions, they talk analytically and on a long term basis: education, development of work sill, shifts in the labor market, and adjustments in welfare reform.But I think there is another force that has made this a rich era with barely visible poor people. It is the unusual social and imaginative separation between prosperous America and those still left out. It’s simple invisibility because of increasing geographic, occupational, and social barriers that block one group from the other’s view.26. What does the word “straitened” in the first paragraph mean?

27. What is one important reason why we do not talk much about poverty according to the author?

28. What can be concluded from the passage?

29. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

30. What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Straightforward B.Wealthy C.Distant D.Difficult问题2: A.No one knows what to do about it. B.No one has been left out of the current boom. C.Poverty really is lower than in the past. D.The president is not concerned about the poor.问题3: A.The relationship between the rich and the poor has changed. B.We should pay more attention to poverty. C.The good economy will soon end. D.All people benefit from good economic conditions.问题4: A.To entertain. B.To persuade. C.To tell a story. D.To describe.问题5: A.We were more aware of the poor in the past than we are today. B.The poor are benefiting from today’s good economy. C.The country is enjoying economic growth. D.There were many more poor people than there are today.


The change in globally averaged temperature that have occurred at that the Earth’s surface over the past century are similar in size and timing to those(1)by models take into account the combined influences of human factors and solar variability.To(2)the question of attribution requires the(3)of more powerful and complex methods, beyond the use of global averages alone. New studies have focused on(4)maps or patterns of temperature change in(5)and in models. Pattern analysis is the climatologically equivalent of the more comprehensive tests in the medical analogy mentioned(6), and makes it possible to achieve more definitive(7)of observed climate changed to a particular cause or causes.The expected influence of human activities is thought to be much more complex than uniform warming over the entire surface of the Earth and over the whole(8)cycle. Patterns of change over space and time therefore provide a more powerful(9)technique. The basic idea(10)pattern-based approaches is that different(11)causes of climate change have different characteristic patterns of climate response or fingerprints. Attribution studies seek to (12)a fingerprint match between the patterns of climate change(13)by models and those actually observed.The most recent assessment of the science suggests that human activities have led to a discernible(14)on global climate and that these activities will have and increasing influence on future climate. The burning of coal, oil and natural gas, as well as various agricultural and industrial practices, are(15)the composition of the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. These human activities have led to increased atmospheric(16)of a number of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and so on in the lower atmosphere.Human activities, such as the burning of fossil, have also increased the(17)of small particles in the atmosphere. These particles can change the(18)of energy that is absorbed and reflected by the atmosphere. They are also believed to modify the(19)of air and clouds, changing the amount of energy that they absorb and reflect. Intensive studies of the climate effects of these particles began only recently and the overall(20)is uncertain. It is likely that the net effect of these small particles is to cool the climate and to partially offset the warming of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases.

A.incensed B.personify C.interact D.predicted
A.array B.ascertain C.probe D.perturb
A.application B.integration C.avenge D.intervene
A.conforming B.comparing C.biding D.budgeting
A.junctions B.junctures C.obligations D.observations
A.optionally B.ornamentally C.previously D.predicatively
A.attribution B.autonomy C.indication D.induction
A.immune B.seasonal C.formidable D.perceptible
A.analysis B.disposal C.antigen D.disincentive
A.avenging B.underestimating C.ascending D.underlying
A.potential B.respectable C.secretive D.sturdy
A.weary B.obtain C.wink D.retard
A.oriented B.kenned C.predicted D.lapsed
A.modification B.nomination C.penetration D.influence
A.paving B.altering C.retreating D.saluting
A.stabilities B.popularities C.concentrations D.hierarchies
A.abundance B.hemisphere C.fixture D.distress
A.burial B.argumentation C.legislation D.amount
A.disposals B.properties C.certainties D.blends
A.calculation B.assignment C.budget D.effect

The boy seemed more( )to their poverty after seeing how his grandparents lived.

A.reconciled B.consolidated C.deteriorated D.attributed

There are many who believe that the use of force( )political ends can never be justified.

A.in search of B.in pursuit of C.in view of D.in light of

I hope you don’t think I’m( )but I’ve had the electric fire on for most of the day.

A.exquisite B.extravagant C.exotic D.eccentric

Some organizations find themselves faced with new product opportunities, or with projects that have a( )starting and ending point.

A.definite B.definitive C.defined D.defining
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