51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

I am interested in( )you have told me.

A.which B.all that C.all what D.that


( )several times, they need some encouragement.

A.Being failed B.Having failed C.To fail D.To be failed

Though the number of the upper class is a mere one third of the population, they make up at least 25 percent of the nation’s wealth. This class has two parts: upper-upper and lower-upper.(1), the upper-upper class is the “old rich”—families that have been wealthy for several generations—a nobility of(2)and wealth. A few are known across the nation, such as the Rockefellers, and the Vanderbilts. Most are not(3)to the general public. They have no(4)to the rest of the community,(5)their income from the investment of their inherited wealth. By(6), the lower-upper class is the “new rich”. (7)they may be wealthier than some of the old rich, the new rich have been(8)to make their money like(9)else beneath their class.(10)their status is generally(11)than that of the old rich, who have not found it necessary to lift a finger to make their money, and who(12)to look down upon the new rich. However its wealth is(13), the upper class is very rich. They have enough money and leisure time to(14)an interest in the arts and to(15)rare books and paintings. They generally live in exclusive areas, belong to exclusive social clubs, communicate with each other, and marry their own kind, all of which keeps them so(16)from the masses that they have been called the out-of-sight class. More than any other class, they tend to be(17)of being members of a class. They also(18)an enormous amount of power and influence here and abroad, as they(19)many top government positions. Their actions(20)the lives of millions.

A.Consequently B.Accordingly C.Regularly D.Basically
A.beginning B.birth C.infancy D.foundation
A.visible B.noticeable C.obvious D.apparent
A.contact B.association C.communication D.relation
A.pulling B.abstracting C.drawing D.making
A.comparison B.contrast C.contrary D.difference
A.Although B.Because C.Therefore D.However
A.greedy B.indifferent C.sympathetic D.depressed
A.nobody B.everybody C.somebody D.anybody
A.Then B.But C.Thus D.Whereas
A.superior B.inferior C.higher D.lower
A.want B.select C.hate D.tend
A.retained B.benefited C.acquired D.rewarded
A.reproduce B.yield C.cultivate D.rear
A.collect B.gather C.assemble D.accumulate
A.distant B.far C.separate D.remote
A.doubtful B.conscious C.sensitive D.sensible
A.demand B.control C.direct D.command
A.seize B.abuse C.hold D.sustain
A.attract B.affect C.effect D.incline

Schools-if not education generally-are inherently conservative institutions. In large measure, I would defend this conservatism. But changes in our world are so rapid and so decisive that it will not be possible for schools to remain as they were or simply to introduce a few superficial adjustments. Indeed, if schools do not change rapidly and radically, they are likely to be replaced by other, more responsive (though perhaps less comfortable and less legitimate)institutions. The most important technological event of our time is the ascendancy of the computer. Computers already play a prominent role in many aspects of our lives, from transportation communication to personal bookkeeping and entertainment. Scarcely oblivious to these trends, many schools now have computers and networking capabilities.

When PH.D. candidates( )their impending professorships, they consider housing benefits offered by the prospective university.

A.anticipate B.assume C.apply D.demand

The cultural department is trying to help these performing enterprises out of the( )by various means.

A.delight B.twilight C.flight D.plight
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