

There is _____________ of reasons why he didn’t get the job.
Sometimes adventurers had to face major survival concerns, such as predicting the weather________.

A.circumstances B.conditions C.tendencies D.situations

used communication together especially leavesyears opportunities average realized devoted

Perhaps more imprtant than the lack of family outings is the destruction of family time(31)at home. Social scientists in the 1950s could not have (32) how much television would watch in the 1980s; the (33) American watches 6 hours of TV a day. That (34) little time for the special family characteristics and traditions that(35)to be formed during long evenings together. The time (36) to games, songs, and hobbies—all shared activities—in the(37)before TV is now dominated by the “tube”. And (38) damaging to family relationships is the elimination of the(39)for talking, chatting, arguing, discussing. Without such (40), family life disintegrates.

Westerners often draw a cross by touching the forehead, breast and shoulders to invoke the blessing of Christ, when they are ______.

A.angry B.shocked C.sad D.amused
We should give up smoking______health.
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