
When you come to our city you can see ( )yourself how beautiful it is.

A.in B.for C.to D.with


Which of the following underlined words will be stressed when Julia responds to the person who has mistaken her for Julian?

A.My name is Julia, not Julian. B.My name is Julia, not Julian. C.My name is Julia, not Julian. D.My name is Julia, not Julian.

When a teacher creates a real life situation for his students to discuss,he expects them not to focus on ( )too much.

A.form B.use C.meaning D.function

Though the government encourages foreign investment, ( )investors are reluctant to commit funds in the current climate situation in the country.

A.potential B.affluent C.optimistic D.solid

When the teacher asks students to read a text for the main idea, he/she intends to develop students’ skill of ( ).

A.retelling B.predicting C.skimming D.scanning

When asking students to arrange the scrambled sentences into a logical paragraph, the teacher is focusing on ( ).

A.reading skills B.critical think. C.proofreading skills. D.textual coherence.
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