
The morpheme “-ceive” in the word “conceive” is a ( ).

A.stem B.root C.allomorph D.suffix


When you focus on “utterance function” and “expected response” by using examples like“Here you are”“Thanks” you are probably teaching language at the ( ).

A.lexical level B.sentence level C.grammatical level D.discourse level

The sound of “ch”in“teacher”is ( ).

A.voiceless, post-alveolar, and affricative B.voiceless, dental, and fricative C.voiced, dental, and fricative D.voiced, post-alveolar, and plosive

When a teacher tells the students that the word “dog” may imply “loyalty”,he/she is teaching the ( )of the word.

A.denotative meaning B.collocative meaning C.conceptual meaning D.connotative meaning 

Mr.Woods,I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary ( ).

A.happens B.happen C.would happen D.will happen

Which of the following is a display question?

A.What part of speech is “immense” ? B.How would you comment on this report? C.Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer? D.What do you think of the characters in this novel?
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