
Testing is still a usual means ( )which students’progress is measured.

A.in B.at C.of D.by


What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single word when listening to a passage?

A.Field-dependence. B.Intolerance of Ambiguity. C.Risk-taking. D.Field-independence.

According to the affective-filter hypothesis, ( )is NOT an affective factorinfluencing language learning.

A.attitude B.motivation C.interest D.intelligence

In the economic ( )established recently, more progress has been made by the European countries in harmonizing their countries.

A.regulation B.climate C.circumstance D.requirement

The main purpose of asking questions about the topic before listening is to ( ).

A.meet students’ expectation B.increase students’ confidence C.activate students’ schemata D.provide feedback on tasks

Which of the following is the feature shared by the English phonemes /m/and/p/?

A.Voiced. B.Voiceless. C.Bilabial. D.Dental.
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