





相关标签: 洋娃娃  



根据以下内容回答题:In the mid 1 940’s,the young ambitious duo(艺人)Ruth and Elliot Handler,owned a Company that made wooden pictures frames.It was in l945 that Ruth and Elliot Handler joined with their close friend Harold Mattson to form. a company that would be known for the most fa-mous and successful doll(洋娃娃)ever created.This company would be named Mattel,Matt for Mattson,and EL for Elliot. In the mid 1950’s,while visiting Switzerland,Ruth Handler purchased a German Lilli doll.Lilli was a shapely,pretty fashion doll first made in l955.She was originally fashioned after a famous cartoon character in the West German Newsletter-Build. Lilli is the doll that would inspire Ruth Handler to design the Barbie doll(芭比娃娃).With the help of her technicians and engineers at Mattel,Barbie was born.Ruth then hired Charlotte Johnson,a fashion designer,to create Barbie’S wardrobe.It was in l958 that the patent for Barbie was obtained.This would be a fashion doll unlike any of her time.She would be long 1imbed,shapely,beautiful,and only 11.5 inches tall.Ruth and Elliot would name their new fashion doll after their own daughter,Barbie. In 1959,the Barbie doll would make her way to the New York Toy Show and receive a cool reception from the toy buyers. Barbie has undergone a lot of changes over the years and has managed to keep up with current trends in hairstyles,make-up and clothin9.She is a reflection of the history of fashion since her introduction to the tov market. Barbie has a universal appeal and collectors both young and old enjoy time spent and memories made with their dolls.
When Ruth and Elliot Handler was youn9,they had a strong desire____ .
A.to go to school.
B.to take photos.
C.to make frames.
D.to be highly successful.

读下面的一段话,完成后面的练习。  妈妈,我拿着钱到处逛(guàng),本来想送给您和哥哥姐姐一些漂亮的礼物。后来,我看到了一棵援(yuán)助中心的“给予树”。树上有许多卡片,其中一张是一个小女孩写的。她一直盼望圣诞老人送给她一个穿着裙子的洋娃娃。于是,我取下卡片,买了洋娃娃,把它和卡片一起送到了援助中心的礼品区。1.文中的“我”是___\_,当“我”看到那个小女孩写的卡片时,“我”想:_________________________________。于是,“我”取下卡片,买了洋娃娃。2.那个小女孩收到了洋娃娃,真开心呀!你能替她给金吉娅写一张感谢的卡片吗?

亲爱的金吉娅:  你好!  ______________________________________                        开心的小女孩                          12月25日

Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。

1.Is this your ball?

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A.这是你的洋娃娃吗?  B.这是你的球吗?

2.Where is my bike?

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A.我的小汽车在哪儿?  B.我的自行车在哪儿?

3.How many cups?

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A.多少个茶杯?  B.那是茶杯吗?

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