
In a complex integration task, a teacher is expected to devise a series of activities which are __________ linked.

Some Chinese learners of English tend to pronounce this as[drs]. This is an example of __________.
A.intralingual errorsB.interlingual errorsC.cross-associationD.overgeneralization
The sense relation of the following pair of sentences (see X and Y) is __________.X. Mar)" has been to Japan. Y. Mary has been to Asia,
A.X entails YB.X presupposes YC.X is inconsistent with YD.X is synonymous with Y
设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节课的教学方案。教案没有固定格?式.但须包含下列要点:?teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and iustifications教学时间:45分钟?学生概况:某城镇普通中学高一年级第一学期学生,班级人数40人。多数学生达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》五级水平。学生课堂参与度一般。语言素材:?Pompeii: The factsAugust 24, in the year AD 79, began normally for the people in Pompeii, a town at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Farmers went out to their fields, shopkeepers set out their goods for sale,craftspeople opened their workshops and the rich walked to the public baths while their servants cleaned their houses and washed their clothes. Unfortunately, the end of the day was far from normal for the 20,000 citizens of Pompeii.Early in the afternoon, when many people were resting from the heat of the day, MountVesuvius erupted. Millions of tonnes of ash, lava and pumice poured onto the surrounding hillside and over the town of Pompeii and other towns and villages. By evening Pompeii was buried under 3-5 meters of ash and mud, and at least 2,000 men, women and children were buried with their town.
Over the past ten years, China has__________a series of great changes in its infrastructure and economy.
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