
In writing, which session is used to get students to think freely and put down all possible ideas related to the topic that come to their minds?

Teacher: After listening, ansu,er the following two questions according to what you haveheard from the tape.(1) What is the relationship between the speakers?(2) What are the speakers' attitudes towards each other?What strategy does this listening activity help to train?
A.Inferring.B.Listening for the gist.C.Listening for details.D.Dictation.
There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focuses on the form andaccuracy?
A.Controlled activities.B.Semi-controlled activities.C.Communicative activities.D.Problem-solving activities.
The core concept of the New Curriculum is
A.promoting the professional teachers' developmentB.letting the students choose the course independentlyC.advocating the constructivist learningD.for every student's development
Of the following sound combinations, only is permissible according to thesequential rules in English.
What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?
A.The text scripted and recorded in the studio.B.The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students.C.The text with local accents in pronunciation.D.The text with some difficult words for students.
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