
根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语语法课的教学方案。教案没有固定格式。但须包含下列要点:· teaching objectives· teaching contents· key and difficult points· major .steps and time allocation· activities and justifications教学时间:45分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学九年级(初中三年级)学生,班级人数40人,多数已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》四级水平,学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:Girl 1 : Where are you going, Larry?Boy 1 : To Tom' s party.Girl 1 : Lucky you !I' d love to go to that party !Boy l : Yeah, well, I'm a little nervous. I don't know what to wear.Girl 1 : If I were you, I'd wear a shirt and tie.Boy 1 : What if everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts?Girl 1 : Oh, you shouldn't worry about what other people are wearing.Boy 1 : And I don't have a present. What if everyone brings a present?Girl 1 : If I were you, I'd take a small present--a pen or something. Keep it in your pocketand if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it.Boy 1 : OK. But what if I don't know anyone?Girl 1 : If you don' t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He'll introduce you to people.Boy 1 : I guess I can do that.Girl 1 : Look !You' re sure to have fun. But if you' re still nervous, you can leave.

In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to__________.
A.providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsB.correcting students' mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediatelyC.encouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master EnglishD.cultivating students' interest
I left my pen on the desk and now it's gone; who__________it?
A.tookB.has takenC.will takeD.had taken
How many liaisons of sound are there in the sentence "He fetched it for me"?
New curriculum promotes the three-dimensional teaching objective which includes__________.
A.knowledge, skills and methodsB.emotional attitude and valuesC.knowledge, skills and emotionD.knowledge and skills; process and methods; emotional attitude and values
Which of the following has the proper word stress
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