
If you wait for the __________moment to act, you may never begin your project.

What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?
A.The text scripted and recorded in the studio.B.The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students.C.The text with local accents in pronunciation.D.The text with some difficult words for students.
Which of the following activities helps to train the skill of listening for gist?
A.After listening, the students are required to figure out the relationship between the characters.B.After listening, the students are required to sequence the sentences according to the story.C.After listening, the students are required to identify the characters appearing in the story.D.After listening, the students are required to decide upon the title for the text.
What role does the teacher play at the feedback stage?
What items are mainly assessed in the following questions?How well did you work in your group tasks?
A.Language performance.B.Improvement in strategies.C.Progress.D.Classroom participation.
Which of the following does NOT belong to the ways of collecting information for formative assessment?
A.Learner portfolio.B.Testing.C.Classroom observation.D.Questionnaire survey.
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