
Passage 2That experiences influence subsequent behavior is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. Learning could not occur without the function popularly named memory. Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words. So-called intelligent behavior demands memory, remembering being a primary requirement for reasoning. The ability to solve any problem or even to recognize that a problem exists depends on memory.Typically, the decision to cross a street is based on remembering many earlier experiences.Practice (or review) tends to build and maintain memory for a task or for any learned material.Over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten; and the adaptive consequences may not seem obvious. Yet, dramatic instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive. In this sense, the ability to forget can be interpreted to have survived through a process of natural selection in animals. Indeed, when one's memory of an emotionally painful experience leads to serious anxiety, forgetting may produce relief. Nevertheless, an evolutionary interpretation might make it difficult to understand how the commonly gradual process of forgetting survived natural selection.In thinking about the evolution of memory together with all its possible aspects, it is helpful to consider what would happen if memories failed to fade. Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time,since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration.Without forgetting, adaptive ability would suffer, for example, learned behavior that might have been correct a decade ago may no longer be. Cases are recorded of people who(by ordinary standards) forgot so little that their everyday activities were full of confusion. This forgetting seems to serve the survival of the individual and the species.Another line of thought assumes a memory storage system of limited capacity that provides adaptive flexibility specifically through forgetting. In this view, continual adjustments are made between learning or memory storage (input) and forgetting (output). Indeed, there is evidence that the rate at which individuals forget is directly related to how much they have learned. Such data offers gross support of contemporary models of memory that assume an input-output balance.From the last paragraph we know that __________ .
A. memory is a compensation for forgettingB. the memory storage system is balancedC. the capacity of a memory storage system is limitedD. forgetfulness is a response to learning

根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录:T: Thank you. Look at the picture. We have learned Wang Hui's experiences in England.Today let's talk about how Wang Hui wrote the passage. Open your book and look at the passage. How many paragraphs?Ss: Five.T: Yes. Let's find out the key words of each paragraph.Ss: Way of life; something interesting ...T: Good. Look at the picture. What's the structure of the passage? A or B?Ss: (学生思考讨论)
A.T: Well, Next. Let's talk about how Wang Hui wrote his life in England. The first paragraph: Wang Hui talked about ...Ss: Way of life.T: Look at the picture. What did Wang Hui say?S1: When you meet someone for the first time, you must use Mr or Mrs.S2: When you get to know better, you use their first names.阅读后回答下列问题:(1)该片段反映了教学中哪两个环节(6分)?(2)分析这两个教学环节的目的(8分)。(3)从教学有效性的角度评价这个教学片段(至少写两个要点)(16分)。
Passage 2That experiences influence subsequent behavior is evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. Learning could not occur without the function popularly named memory. Constant practice has such an effect on memory as to lead to skillful performance on the piano, to recitation of a poem, and even to reading and understanding these words. So-called intelligent behavior demands memory, remembering being a primary requirement for reasoning. The ability to solve any problem or even to recognize that a problem exists depends on memory.Typically, the decision to cross a street is based on remembering many earlier experiences.Practice (or review) tends to build and maintain memory for a task or for any learned material.Over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten; and the adaptive consequences may not seem obvious. Yet, dramatic instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive. In this sense, the ability to forget can be interpreted to have survived through a process of natural selection in animals. Indeed, when one's memory of an emotionally painful experience leads to serious anxiety, forgetting may produce relief. Nevertheless, an evolutionary interpretation might make it difficult to understand how the commonly gradual process of forgetting survived natural selection.In thinking about the evolution of memory together with all its possible aspects, it is helpful to consider what would happen if memories failed to fade. Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time,since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration.Without forgetting, adaptive ability would suffer, for example, learned behavior that might have been correct a decade ago may no longer be. Cases are recorded of people who(by ordinary standards) forgot so little that their everyday activities were full of confusion. This forgetting seems to serve the survival of the individual and the species.Another line of thought assumes a memory storage system of limited capacity that provides adaptive flexibility specifically through forgetting. In this view, continual adjustments are made between learning or memory storage (input) and forgetting (output). Indeed, there is evidence that the rate at which individuals forget is directly related to how much they have learned. Such data offers gross support of contemporary models of memory that assume an input-output balance.The tone of the passage can best be described as__________.
A. humorousB. theoreticalC. exaggerativeD. philosophical
Teachers who believe in the __________ model will enable students to understand the meaning and usage of the words first, and then make full use of the words in listening, reading or writing tasks, ask representatives to show products of the tasks, and give an evaluation for it at last when teaching vocabulary.
Which of the following is a communicative activity?
A. Listening to the news report and talking about an event.B. Listening to the news report and filling in a form.C. Listening to the news report and writing the main idea.D. Transferring the information from the news report into a chart.
Which of the following is NOT the advantage of group work?
A. Creating some peaceful and quiet time in class.B. Arousing their awareness of cooperation.C. Promoting students' participation in the class.D. Encouraging different opinions and contributions to the work.
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