






(十八)  【给定资料】  记者:西部X市图书馆连续3年馆长空缺、门前冷落。您怎么看待这一现象?  周馆长:西部X市图书馆的情况,是我国文化事业发展不平衡的一个具体表现。据我了解,在全国地级行政区划中,还有41座城市没有图书馆。此外,还有一些县级图书馆连基本的服务条件都不具备。而相比之下,在长三角和珠三角等经济发达地区,有的图书馆在馆舍、馆藏和服务等方面已经居于世界先进行列。从全国来看,图书馆事业呈现出西弱东强的特征。  记者:我们近日联合××网的调查显示,最近两个月内有接近1/4的网友一次也没有踏进图书馆。  周馆长:可读的书少,读者自然不会走进门来。根据国际图书馆协会联合会颁布的标准,公共图书馆的藏书量应为人均1.5册到2.5册。而我国的人均藏书量只有0.4册,县级以下图书馆人均只有0.1册。我看到,很多县图书馆的书,还是三四十年前的。现在每本图书平均售价将近30元,全国人均年购书费却仅有0.7元,也就是说,要把40个人一年的购书费加起来,才够买一本新书。甚至有的省人均购书费只有0.1元。  另一方面,不少图书馆缺少真正符合条件的管理人员。因为图书馆属于全额拨款的公益性事业单位,有的竟成为安排闲杂人员的地方。这造成人员队伍素质劣化,服务不能满足群众的文化需求,也加剧了图书馆的“冷清”。  记者:当前,新兴媒体正在逐步改变人们的阅读习惯,图书馆在利用新媒体方面是否已有尝试?  周馆长:最主要的是加快数字图书馆的建设。我国从上世纪90年代就开始进行数字图书馆的研发,2001年国家图书馆二期工程暨国家数字图书馆工程经国务院批准立项,并作为我国“十五”重点文化建设项目。截至2010年9月底,国家数字图书馆资源总量已达460TB,其中已发布的资源量占数字资源总量的76.7%。2010年2月,又启动了“县级数字图书馆推广计划”;“十二五”期间,还将实施“国家数字图书馆推广工程”。  记者:您提到县及县以下图书馆是尤为薄弱的环节,对于这些基层图书馆来说,有没有什么建议?  周馆长:按照国际图联发布的标准,每5万人应拥有1座图书馆,图书馆的辐射半径通常为4公里。而在我国,目前完全按照行政区划来进行图书馆布局,平均每3400多平方公里、每46万人口才拥有1座图书馆。有的县几百甚至上千平方公里只有1座图书馆,主要在为县城居民服务,农村居民很难跑那么远去看书。  因此,图书馆的服务有层次、有步骤地向基层延伸十分重要。比如,在城市加强社区图书馆建设,像在新加坡就有区域图书馆,也有邻里图书馆。邻里图书馆讲究布局,新建的商场必须有图书馆,便于跟随父母前来的孩子们有书可读。他们的城区,还广泛设置自助借还书的设施。在农村,则要发展乡村图书馆。农民对图书馆服务的需求,主要集中在致富信息、保健常识和文化生活三个方面。所以,乡村图书馆要有针对性地开展服务。只有把图书馆事业发展的重点放在基层,才能从根本上推动中国社会的进步。  【问题】  假定你是某市文化部门的一位工作人员,请结合给定资料,简要分析我国公共图书馆发展困难的原因,并提出解决问题的具体建议,供上级有关部门参考。  要求:  (1)对原因的分析准确、全面,不超过150字;  (2)所提建议具体、有针对性、切实可行,不超过250字;  (3)条理清楚,表达简明。

If a teacher asks students to list as many ways as they can to tell someone to open the door and list the possiible functions of a sentence in different contexts. he/she is probably trying to highlight  

A、the potential meanings of a sentence

B、different realizations of the same function

C、the relationship between form and function

D、different ways of getting people to do the same thing

【问题一】  参考“给定资料2、3”,农村学生营养改善计划在推行中遇到不少实际问题,请归纳概括这些问题。  要求:准确、全面、简明。不超过200字。

在Windows操作系统桌面上有一个任务栏,通常在任务上有一个“En”图标(  )。





Passage1In recent years,however,society has come to understand the limitations of schools that merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottom one-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked-fail to develop the foundational reading,writing,and mathematical proficiencies needed to survive in,let alone contribute to,an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today,in asking schools to leave no child behind,society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our "academic achievement standards".Every state has them,and,as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for making sure that all students meet them.To be clear,the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process. Forthe foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However, society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.The implications of this change in mission for the role of assessment are profound. Assessment and grading procedures designed to permit only a few students to succeed (those at the top of the rank-order distribution) must now be revised to permit the possibility that all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, procedures that permitted (perhaps even encouraged) some students to give up in hopelessness and to stop trying must now be replaced by others that promote hope and continuous effort. In short, the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers.The students' mission is no longer merely to beat other students in the achievement race. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believe that all students can achieve a certain level of academic success, must bring all of their students to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiated instruction, and must guide all students toward the attainment of standards.The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificial scarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards, cooperation and collaboration must come into play. The driving forces must be confidence, optimism, and persistence-for all, not just for some. All students must come to believe that they can succeed at learning if they try. They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success, however small. This new understanding has spawned increased interest in formative assessment in recent years.What do the "academic achievement standards" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A、The driving dynamic forces for all students who need to survive in society.

B、Confidence, optimism, and persistence that students need in order to succeed.

C、Differentiated levels of competence specified for students with different abilities.

D、The missions of students who want to beat others in their achievement race in school.

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