
Passage1Lonely people, it seems, are at greater risk than the gregarious of developing illnesses associated with chronic inflammation, such as heart disease and certain cancers.A paper published last year in the Public Library of Science, Medicine, shows the effect on mortality of loneliness is comparable with that of smoking and drinking after examining the results of 148 previous studies and controlled for factors such as age and pre-existing illness.Steven Cole of the University of Califormia, Los Angeles, thinks he may know why this is so.He told the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington,D.C., about his work studying the expression of genes in lonely people. Dr. Cole harvested samples of white blood cells from both lonely and gregarious people. He then analysed the activity of their genes, as measured by the production of a substance called messenger RNA. This molecule carries instructions from the genes telling a cell which proteins to make. The level of messenger RNA from most genes was the same in both types of people. There were several dozen genes, however, that were less active in the lonely, and several dozen others that were more active. Moreover, both the less active and the more active gene types came from a small number of functional groups.Broadly speaking, the genes less active in the lonely were those involved in staving off viral infections. Those that were more active were involved in protecting against bacteria. Dr. Cole suspects this could help explain not only why the lonely are iller, but how, in evolutionary terms, this odd state of affairs has come about.The crucial bit of the puzzle is that viruses have to be caught from another infected individual and they are usually species-specific. Bacteria, in contrast, often just lurk in the environment, and may thrive on many hosts. The gregarious are therefore at greater risk than the lonely of catching viruses, and Dr. Cole thus suggests that past evolution has created a mechanism which causes white cells to respond appropriately. Conversely, the lonely are better off ramping up their protection against bacterial infection, which is a bigger relative risk to them.What Dr. Cole seems to have revealed, then, is a mechanism by which social environment reaches inside a person's body and tweaks its genome so that it responds appropriately. It is not that the lonely and the gregarious are genetically different from each other. Rather, their genes are regulated differently, according to how sociable an individual is. Dr. Cole thinks this regulation is part of a wider mechanism that tunes individuals to the circumstances they find themselves in.What message does Dr.Cole seem to convey by the mechanism?

A、The lonely people differ in genes from the gregarious people.

B、Sociability can adjust a person's genome and make it work properly.

C、The lonely people can become sociable if they regulate their genes.

D、Individuals have to find their own ways to adapt to the environment.


根据耶克斯一多德森定律,学生解决困难和复杂的任务时,哪种动机水平最有利?( )





(二)  【给定资料】  有网民公布了一组虐猫视频截图:一女子用尖尖的高跟鞋鞋跟对一只小猫肆意践踏,手段极其残忍,这就是轰动一时的M县女子虐猫事件。“虐猫事件”一夜之间成为在各大网站的热贴,评论成千上万,数天内席卷了国内几乎所有的主流媒体。网友们愤慨万分,对虐猫女子声讨谴责,誓言要揪出凶手。网上掀起“缉凶”狂潮,经过网友收集信息、搜索、排查,“疑犯”身份陆续曝光——除了虐猫女,M县有关单位工作人员也参与了虐猫拍摄过程。  虐猫视频中关键人物被披露后,引起了M县的高度重视。县政府当即派出工作人员对虐猫事件当事人展开调查,并召开了紧急专题会议,纪检、宣传、检察、法制、监察、公安、文化等部门参加了会议,对虐猫事件调查处理情况作了汇报。从调查情况看,虐猫事件拍摄现场为M县一沿江风景区,参与者中有一名已经主动承认了事实。虽然参与者参与的原因、动机以及是否被其他组织引诱、利用还有待进一步查证,但此事在M县发生并有M县人参与,县政府对此表示愤慨、谴责和遗憾。“考虑到参与者的行为已经严重违背了社会公德,其行为与其从事的职业极不相称,所以,从即日起由当事人所在单位立即停止其工作,接受调查。鉴于其中一名可能参与事件的嫌疑人不知去向,责成其所在单位和有关部门采取多方面、有力度的措施,尽快取得联系,使其主动返回本单位,就本事件作出明确的解释。”有关部门汇报道。据称,在这次会议上,M县人民政府还对可能涉及到的法律问题进行细致研究。并向上级主管机关和法律权威部门请求协助,为今后参与者进行处理提供事实依据和法律依据,最好责成有关部门依照党纪、政纪和法律做出严肃公正的处理,给社会、媒体和网民一个满意的交代。  【问题】  为了维护M县的声誉,挽回“虐猫事件”造成的负面影响,请以M县政府的名义就“虐猫事件”的处理情况写一份宣传稿,在县人民政府网站上公布。  要求:态度诚恳,对象明确,内容全面,条理清楚,不超过500字。


Big waves turned _____ the boat, causing many people to fall into water.










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