



He is a fugitive from justice trying to avoid __________(被警察抓住). (catch)Do tell me the ways you think of ________(解决这个问题)as soon as possible.(solve)Seldom ________(他们玩)video games ever since they entered college.(play)The two old sisters, ________(被分隔了很长时间), held each other and burst into tears. (separate)The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds on ________(支撑)his argument in favor of the new theory.(base)______(暴露在阳光下)for too much time will do harm to one's skin.(expose)At the thought of the progress in English ______(他已取得的), he will think of the strict and kind teacher.(progress)________(靠近市中心时), we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.(approach)The country life he was used to ________(变化) greatly since 2000.(change)She was the first athlete ________(获得金牌的) in the 29th Olympic Games.(win)



On her birthday she received a box of chocolates with a card ________(附在上面)

saying "happy birthday!" (attach)

It is said that the ancient coins accidently ________(在武汉发现的)last month are very

valuable. (find)

Deeply ________(专注于她的新小说), the young writer kept thinking and writing for

a dozen hours in her study. (absorb)

I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but little ________(我感到)so

lonely as now. (feel) 答案:have I felt

"It is not only you but also Tom ______(应当受到责备), " said the teacher after knowing

what had happened. (blame)

You will find that some of the stars are brighter in the evening and others ______

(不够明亮). (little)

Only when you read between the lines several times ________(你才能理解) the main

idea of this passage. (sense)

The reason why people carry umbrellas in hot summer days is that ______

(暴露在烈日下)may be harmful to the skin. (expose)

The program ________(提出)by him, I think, is practical. (forward)Two children are lost in the village and the police ________(调查)the case these

days. (look)


Students ________(觉得最容易的)to learn a new concept by hearing a teacher explain

it are learning through learning. (find)

Not ________(让你知道这个计划) ahead of time is just to keep it secret. (let)After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, ______

(其结果是)a wise decision.(turn) 答案:which turned out (to be)

With ________(房价上升)all the time, complaints can be heard everywhere.(go)________(吃药)three times a day, and then you will find the pain will go away by and

by. (take)

The performance was about to begin when the news came ________(暴风即将来临).


________(无论哪个队获胜)on Saturday will go through to the national championships.


We were lucky ________(没有受伤)in the train accident.(injure)The doctor gave an order in the hospital that smoking ________(禁止). (permit)Human beings are different from animals in ________(他们能够使用)language as a

tool to communicate. (use)


Children should be encouraged to explore __________(他们感兴趣的任何事物). (appeal)The prices of houses, ________(就如经常报道的那样), have been going up sharply

in the past few months. (report)

Without your timely help, we ______(会陷入)big trouble that day. (fall)Another important project we are going to carry out is ________(所称谓的)National

Education. (call)

It is Shanghai Expo ________(使中国成为焦点)again all over the world, and many

people are wondering what the new giant is going to be in the future. (focus)

It is commonly thought that many coal mine accidents ________(本来能够避免)if we

had followed the strict safety rules. (avoid)

If Jack had scored that goal, we ________(就会赢得那场足球赛了). (win)The education programme ________(旨在)combining brain work with manual labor is

being widely spread throughout the country. (aim)

Were it to rain tomorrow, the sports meet __________(推迟)until the same time next

week. (put)

It's pity that he failed the exam. If he ________(更加注意)on his handwriting, he

would have done better. (concentrate)

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