
There is a fine line between a parent who is active and open-minded and one that doesn’t know when to let go (放手).As my daughter, Nicole, prepares to leave home for college, I’m discovering how hard it is to stay on the 36 side of this line.When I hold 37 the apron strings (围裙带) connecting us, Nicole, eager to 38 independence, tries to loosen my grasp.What results is a (an) 39 mother-daughter, push-me, pull-you kind of tango.
For the past two years, it’s gone like this:
Mother’s question: “Have you thought of taking an advanced placement class (大学预修课程) so that you can earn college credit?”
Daughter’s __40__: “No, I’m not interested in that.”
I bit my lip a few times and Nicole shot me a few glares.
Two months ago, she was 41 to a great university.However, I was still the mother having a 42 time letting go.The night before the introductory meeting of the university, I had read the course catalog carefully and 43 courses which I thought looked good.We met on the campus the next afternoon, and Nicole’s face 44 with excitement.“I have had my entire schedule figured out,” she said.“Already?” I was astonished, 45 she should have discussed it with me.I examined the schedule.Nicole hadn’t taken a (an) 46 one of the courses I had suggested.Every course she had chosen 47 suited her interests.Just then I saw a mature, capable young woman with a 48 mind and the ability to shape her future.She no longer needed her mother 49 every decision she made.I felt proud, though still a bit __50__.
I 51 the lessons carefully.Nicole has struggled to learn over the past 18 years: 52__, sympathy, and hard work.There have been a few holes along the way.__53__, she is well-equipped and eager to __54 the future.The next step, I recognized, was mine to take: giving my daughter and myself the 55 we both needed.
A.left  B.right  C.either    D.each
A.onto  B.up   C.back  D.out
A.keep  B.refuse    C.taste  D.bear
A.awkward  B.relaxing   C.lively    D.beautiful
A.comment  B.word C.concept   D.response
A.received  B.invited    C.treated    D.accepted
A.good B.great C.hard  D.easy
A.taken B.underlined    C.offered   D.emphasized
A.lit up B.built up   C.turned up  D.made up
A.imagining B.thinking   C.hoping    D.adding
A.only  B.just  C.even  D.single
A.mostly    B.hardly    C.exactly   D.slightly
A.sharp B.normal   C.different  D.typical
A.encouraging   B.evaluating C.disagreeing    D.agreeing
A.anxious   B.excited   C.sad   D.tense
A.reviewed  B.observed  C.checked   D.studied
A.competence    B.creativity  C.responsibility  D.confidence
A.Therefore B.Instead   C.Still  D.Besides
A.embrace  B.discover   C.determine D.control
A.character  B.strength   C.relief D.Independence

相关标签: 完形填空  

完形填空。 On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three, 1 m

完形填空。On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three,1my husband,

Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest down, unable to

breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of2with lots of unexpected

challenges. We went from the "haves" to the "have-nots". Or so we thought.

3what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties. We came to learn that

something wonderful could happen in a disaster (灾难). All over the world people4Chris so much that letters

and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about 35,000

pieces of5had been received and sorted.

As6, we opened letter after letter. They gave us comfort and became a source of strength for us. We

used them to7ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with "Funny" if we needed a8, or to the

"Disabled" box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or even in bed living happily and successfully.

These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so here we offer one of them to you.

Dear Chris,

My husband and I were so sorry to hear of your9accident last week. No doubt your family and your

friends are giving you the strength to face this10challenge. People everywhere are also giving you best

wishes every day and we are among those who are keeping you close.

Yours Sincerely,Nancy Reagan() 1. A. since

() 2. A. disability

() 3. A. So

() 4. A. wrote for

() 5. A. news

() 6. A. patients

() 7. A. encourage

() 8. A. cry

() 9. A. driving

() 10. A. technicalB. before

B. possession

B. For

B. cared for

B. paper

B. a family

B. express

B. laugh

B. flying

B. differentC. when

C. inconvenience

C. Or

C. hoped for

C. equipment

C. nurses

C. control

C. chat

C. running

C. difficultD. while

D. experience

D. Yet

D. s

第二节 完形填空先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on(跨上)it and 31 . But wait—isn’t this stealing? No, it isn’t. 32 shouts,“Stop! Thief!” That is 33 this free ride is just fine with the city.

You 34 find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for 35 transportation, and they wanted to help 36

pollution. So, to get citizens(市民) 37 their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they 38 the Yellow Bike Project.

The 39 bikes are painted bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事), to work 40 to school. Then, they leave the bike for the 41 rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people 42 the rules, because they think it is not wise to 43 the bike that’s already free.

Portland’s 44 was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its starts, similar programs were 45 in cities in six other states.

A. drive away B. ride away C. ride back D. run awayA. No one B. Someone C. Anyone D. EveryoneA. whether B. so C. because D. thoughA. have to B. don’t have to C. can’t D. canA. expensive B. crowded C. free D. commonA. protect B. control C. make D. bringA. out of B. into C. up D. nearA. ended B. started C. changed D. refusedA. public B. private C. clean D. dirtyA. but B. as C. until D. orA. next B. last C. best D. firstA. break B. make C. discuss D. followA. buy B. repair C. produce D. stealA. citizen B. street C. idea D. schoolA. looked up B. made up C. put up D. set up


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