51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

In this passage, what advice does the author have for married women? __
A.Stay home and take care of their family.
B.Encourage their husband and kids to be happy and have fun while they are away.
C.Help their family learn to prepare food for themselves.
D.Have their whole family take cooking classes together.


As for the writer, what can be concluded from the talk?
A.He believes driving on a road as dull as a motorway leads to drivers' sleepiness.
B.He thinks it a pity that the issue of sleepiness has not been properly reported
C.He agrees with the government bodies that reliable statistics cannot be obtained
D.He shares with the police that sleepiness has caused 20% of motorway accidents.

听力原文:Japan is a leading trading partner and security ally of the United States. About fifty thousand American troops are based in Japan. Minister Koizumi sent Japanese troops to assist rebuilding in Iraq. And Japanese ships provide fuel for the military operations in Afghanistan.
About thousand American troops are based in Japan. Minister Koizumi sent Japanese troops to assist rebuilding in Iraq. And Japanese ships provide fuel for the military operations in Afghanistan.

In India, if you cannot use your right hand for the time being,______.
A.you can pass food with your left hand
B.you can pass food with the help of your left hand
C.you'd better not pass food
D.you'd better leave the table

听力原文:To ease tensions, North Korea opened disarmament talks with the United States and four other nations three years ago. Last September, they released a joint statement. It said North Korea would end its nuclear arms program in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees.
Three years ago, North Korea opened disarmament talks with the other 5 countries to ease tension. Last September, they released a joint statement.

听力原文:Members of the I.M.F. approved reform. measures that aim to increase the voting power of countries with growing economies. As a first step, they agreed to increases in the voting rights for China, South Korea, Mexico and Turkey. These four countries were considered the least represented given the size of their economics.
Members of the I.M.F. approved reform. measures aiming at increasing the voting power of countries with growing economies. They first agreed to increases in the voting rights four countries, namely China, South Korea Peru and Turkey.

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