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Which copy is on permanent display at the National Archives?
A.The engrossed copy on which members of the Congress signed.
B.The Dunlap Broadside copy.
C.General Washington's copy.
D.The fragment of the first draft of the declaration by Thomas Jefferson.


Anderson Publications offers an__ retirement package to its long-term employees.

A.To prove to donors that the Global Fund to Fight AIDS is working efficiently.
B.To spend enough money to fight AIDS.
C.To hold a special session of the U. N. General Assembly.
D.To create a global fund to fight AIDS.

听力原文:W: Okay, as an adult, what are some of the ways you've done about trying to become a better reader and writer? M: When I'm walking down the street, I look at things. When I'm sitting on the bus, I might look at the signs and read them. I read a little more now than I used to. I don't always have time to go home and pick up a book and read because I have three kids. W: Right. So that's something you think would make you a better reader, but you don't usually have time to do it. M: Oh yeah. If you could pick up a book every day, it would make you a better reader. W: How do you know? M: Oh I know that for a fact. Because when I just had one child, I was able to do that. One child is a big difference than three. I was able to do more for myself than I am now. Like Mr. Mark, another learner in the program, for instance, is much more advanced than I am. That's because he can pick up a book every day and practice every day. His wife helps him. I don't have anybody to help me, and when I get stuck on something, I get fed up. I put it down and try to begin the next day. But I may not have the time for the next day. When my kids go to sleep, I'm ready to go to sleep. Or I might just want to sit up, look at a picture and relax my mind. It's real difficult. W: So the difference between you and Mr. Mark is that he has more time and he has someone to help him? M: Right, right. W: Anything else that makes it different for him? M: He doesn't have as much responsibilities as I do. He's older. I believe he's still working, but nothing like a full-time job. He doesn't have as many worries as I do. He has been where I'm trying to get. He may own his home already. And that's a big difference. W: How do you know a book is harder or easier? M: By the words. An easier book, I maybe could break down so many words in that book. A harder one, I can't break down maybe one or two. Then I know it's harder. W: Does anything else make a book harder or easier? M: I think it's like reading words where the print is not so fine. I hate books with small letters. It scares me. They are written down real small. But when they are bigger, and bigger letters I don't mean like capitals—I mean bigger letters. You can see more easily. I can see them better. I could go through it like that and see the words that I know. When they are in small print, I can't figure out the ones. I just have to read it to find if I can read it or not. Questions:

On which of the following topics is the man being interviewed?

12.Why does the interviewee not have time to put up a book to read at home? 13.The interviewee said several differences between him and Mr. Mark. Which of the following is NOT one of them? 14.How does the interviewee know the book is easier or harder? 15.According to the interviewee, does anything else make a book harder or easier? (31) A.Ways to become a better reader and writer. B.Ways to read a harder or easier hook. C.Ways to print a good book. D.Ways to read a book.

A.To buy a British company that operates terminals at several US ports.
B.To refuse to get involved in a fire storm on Capitol Hill.
C.To take over some operations at six US ports.
D.To alleviate the suspicion and challenge from the US Congress.

A.Noise-control technology.
B.Noise in factories.
C.Noise-control regulations.
D.Noise-related effects.

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