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Task 1
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.
Your intelligence varies from season to season if you are like most people. You are probably much sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year. A famous scientist, Ellsworth Huntington, concluded from other men's work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.
He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of most people tend to
be lowest in the summer.
Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring men's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature.
Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be good time to take a long vacation from thinking!
Ellsworth laid his conclusion on __ .
A.records of changes in his own intelligence
B.work with people in different climates
C.records of temperature change
D.all of the above


A.The woman's job.
B.The night life.
C.The difference between rural life and urban life.
D.The different personalities.

The author thinks highly of older employees because ______.
A.they are good at marketing themselves
B.they are obedient and can be easily controlled
C.they possess better qualities in the growth phase
D.they have more wisdom, experience and affordability

Which of the following statement is correct?
A.Two cups of this kind of drink include 24g total fat.
B.To prepare the drink, it will take about 40 minutes.
C.They will meet each other after the camping.
D.Mary doesn't like this kind of new taste drink.

Some chicks hatched by re-released condors died because ______.
A.they fell into pools of water
B.they fell prey to other animals
C.they had odd drinking habits
D.they swallowed dangerous objects

California was forced to adopt this plan because ______.
A.a recent oil crisis necessitated it
B.too many drivers were filling their tanks with more than twenty gallons and spilling it
C.people were not getting enough exercise and need to walk, bike, or skate
D.too many motorists had odd-numbered plates

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