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Summary of the New Models
Two alternative designs for a fuel cell powered car are presented.
Car A, which uses hydrogen fuel, is a sedan designed for the executive market. It provides extra luxury for the driver, but is spacious enough for family use. Car B, powered by hydrogen and oxygen, is a medium-sized Hatchback which offers a range of features for the family. While both cars are efficient for short trips, they lack the range and speed desirable for long journeys.
Both cars incorporate similar safety features and fulfill the design criteria of having low exhaust emissions and using environmentally- friendly materials; however, Car B is recommended as it has slightly lower power consumption and is more economical to manufacture.
Which of following statements is NOT the similarity between Car A and Car B?
A.The safety features of Car A and B are of much resemblance.
B.They both have a desirable range and speed for long journeys.
C.Both share the features of low emission and friendliness to the environment.
D.Both cars are of high efficiency for short travels.


What view did the three Milesian philosophers share?
A.They all believed that the mythology had a basis in fact.
B.They introduced a scientific approach to explaining nature.
C.They thought that water was the original element.
D.They all agreed with the teachings of Socrates.

What advice does the professor give the woman?
A.Have some friends read the research
B.Refer to the explanation in the textbook
C.Ask a chemistry major to help her
D.Include more references in the report

How long will the interview planned to last for all applicants?
A.A whole day of September 14th
B.Approximately three hours
C.Five hours
D.Four hours

Itinerary for President King
September 19-21, 2009
Monday, September 19
5: 00 a. m. Arrive in San Francisco.
7: 30 a. m. Leave San Francisco Airport on Delta Flight #468 to Dallas.
10: 45 a. m. Arrive in Dallas. Lyle Dole will meet you at the airport.
Lunch with Lyle and Steve Ackley.
3: 00 p. m. Meeting with President Banner.
5: 00 p. m. Reservation; Talbott Inn, 1914 Commerce street, Dallas, TX 75201,
(214) 555-2011, Confirmation #15397B.
Tuesday, September 20
7: 15 a. m. Leave Dallas Airport on TWA Flight#303 to Chicago O'Hare Airport
10: 35 a. m. Arrive in Chicago. Susan Marsh and Don Roberts will meet you at the airport.
Lunch with Susan Marsh and Don Roberts.
14: 30 p. m. Board Meeting at the Executive Conference Center.
6: 30 p. m. Dinner with Trustees. Reservations; Fargo Inn, 411 Adam Street, Chicago, IL
60632 (312)555-2411 Confirmation #7765
Wednesday, September 21
8: 00 a. m. Breakfast with Craig Docell and Margaret Schultz to discuss campus recruitment.
10: 00 a. m. Meeting with Bob Archer on HRD programs and Training schedules.
Noon Lunch with Chicago staff
4: 15 p. m. Leave O'Hare Airport on Northwest flight # 1404 for San Francisco
Which of the following statements is true according to the itinerary?
A.President King is scheduled to meet with Yyle Dole to discuss campus recruitment.
B.President King will have a dinner with Trustees at Talbott Inn on September 20.
C.Susan Marsh and Don Roberts will meet President King at O'Hare Airport and have lunch with him.
D.President King will leave O'Hare Airport on Northwest flight # 1404 for Dallas.

Why does the professor say this:
A.She is not happy with the student's response.
B.She is introducing an alternative view.
C.She is going to expand on the comment.
D.She is ending the discussion.

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