51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

听力原文:Excuse me, is this train for London?
A.It's too late.
B.Yes, it is.
C.Take it easy.
D.It doesn't matter.


听力原文: In the United States, homelessness had grown at a dramatic rate during the last decade. Estimates of the number of Americans currently without a permanent home vary wildly. Advocacy groups like the National Coalition for the Homeless say that close to 3 million Americans live on the streets or in emergency and temporary shelters. The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development puts the figure at 350,000. Yet both bureaucrats and advocates agree on one point, that is, the face of homelessness has changed radically in the past 10 years, as more and more low-income housing is mowed down in the name of progress. Some 20 years ago, says Kristen Morris, assistant director of the New York, office of the National Coalition for the Homeless, the typical "street person" was a White male who suffered from a mental illness or an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Today's homeless, however, are a more eclectic group. More than 60 percent of the homeless today are Black, mostly single mothers with small children. More than half of them have never been homeless before. In many cases, they have been evicted form. their homes or the low-income housing in which they lived was demolished or burned down. About 60 percent of all homeless people live on some form. of public assistance with an average monthly income of 210 dollars. About 20 percent are mentally ill. According to Marie Robinson who is a lawyer for the coalition for the Homeless, "There has been a real democratization of skid row". All sorts of people have been pushed out of the housing market because of the critical shortage of affordable places to live. As a result, homelessness has climbed to the top of the "me-generation's" short list of social concerns. But there is a great gap between concern and active involvement in the effort to solve this growing problem. For many people, the inaction is due to ignorance, not indifference. According to Ellen Rocks, who is executive director of the House of Ruth, a Washington, D. C. organization that provides shelter and other services to women who are homeless or are the victims of domestic violence, "There are a lot of people who want to get involved but don't really know how. " The fact is that there are many ways in which individuals can help the homeless. Yet for those people truly interested in the cause, one of the first steps is to get to know the homeless and understand how they became that way. Many advocates believe that it is important for middle-class people to get to know and reach out to the homeless and bridge the gap that exists. "Middle-class people have to learn that what is happening in America today is an all-out war on the poor. Just as America once robbed the Indians of their land, today we're robbing the poor of affordable housing. " Questions:

According to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, how many Americans are homeless?

17.According to the talk, which of the following is responsible for the dramatic growth rate of homelessness? 18.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the homeless people? 19.Why is there a great gap between mere concern and active involvement in solving the problem? 20.According to the talk, what is one of the first steps to help these homeless people? (36) A.250,000. B.350,000. C.3, 000,000. D.3,500,000.00

The internet truly flattens the world—a fact that brings opportunities to marketers with international __ to their businesses or desires to do business globally.

Section B
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.
听力原文:M: When does the plane arrive from Beijing?
W: At twelve o'clock. You have to wait for another ten minutes.
Q: When does the plane arrive?

A.Family life of an artist.
B.The woman's ambitions in her profession.
C.Something related to a music career.
D.What the critics have said about the vocalist.

State and local government______the safety, structure, and appearance of the community through use of local law.

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