51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

According to the passage, it will be difficult to predict weather
A.unless we learn more about chaotic systems
B.because we don't have enough weather stations
C.without more powerful computers
D.until we understand the physical laws of atoms


The word assumed in the passage is closest in meaning to

Announcement (1)
Attention please: Bus service is available for all newly arrived passengers who need to be transported. Repeating. Bus service is available for all newly arrived passengers who need to be transported.
The Beijing Bus Company
March 6, 2005
Announcement (2)
Attention, please. Flight PIA 137 from Rome will be 30 minutes late because of bad weather.
Beijing International Airport
April 12, 2005
Announcement (3)
Announcer: Attention, please. Flight AF 206 from Pairs is late on account of engine trouble. It is stopping in Rangoon(仰光) for checking up. Further news will be announced later.
Shanghai International Airport
May 12, 2005
Announcement (4)
Attention please: The 9:25 train to Oxford is now standing at Platform(站台) 15. Passengers are requested to board the train immediately.
June 8, 2005
What does the first announcement tell us about newly arrived passengers?
A.They need to wait for another bus.
B.They will transfer from one bus to another.
C.They can get on to the bus now.
D.They have to wait for some time.

How does Angel Falls get its name?
A.A scientist named it Angel Falls.
B.It's named after an American pilot who first discovered it.
C.An American expedition named it Angel Falls.
D.No one knows.

听力原文: What is marketing? Some people hold the mistaken idea that marketing is a little more than selling. But marketing is more than just a business activity. In fact, it's something everyone does quite often. Acting as either the customer or the marketer. Consider a few of the activities we take for granted, like riding a bus, shopping for clothes, reading a newspaper or watching television. All of these rely on marketing. It's hard to imagine our contemporary life without marketing. You are on the customer side of marketing when you shop at the supermarket, pay your tuition or go to a movie. You are on the marketer side of the transaction when you advertise for a roommate, convince your friend to lend you their bicycle or interview for a job. In the last two examples, you are marketing yourself and your credibility. Job applicants use resume as marketing tools to gain interviews with potential employers. And then use the interview to demonstrate what desirable products they are. Similarly models and actors use photographs to market themselves. Artists and writers supply samples of their work. Even in the commercial round, companies aren't the only marketers and goods aren't the only item marketed. Football teams market themselves when they give team photos and other premiums to their fans. And non-profit group market what they do, the medical research or political action, when they solicit contributions of time and money or try to influence people's behaviors.
In 1985, the American Marketing Association redesigned marketing as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy the individual and organizational objective. This definition encompasses all the diverse activities of marketing and highlights the central marketing functions — the exchange process.
A.Marketing does more harm than good to customers.
B.Marketing just means that businesses sell their products.
C.Marketing is something every one of us does quite often.
D.Marketing includes a variety of business activities.

A.When you are shortlisted for an interview.
B.When you are watching television at home.
C.When you have asked to borrow a bicycle.
D.When you have concluded a medical research.

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