51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

The United Kingdom (英国) is a country of cities. When a country has many cities, we say it is urban. The United Kingdom is one of the most urban countries in the world. 80% of its people live in cities. London is one of the world's biggest cities. People from many countries now live there. You can hear different languages spoken there.
We say the United Kingdom is an urban country because it has
A.a lot of people
B.many foreign people
C.a lot of cities


A driver and a good reader are alike because______.
A.they both have a wide change of speed
B.they are both good at driving
C.they are both good at reading

For more than a century, a key struggle for the labor movement was______.
A.increasing workers' pay
B.reducing working time
C.improving working conditions
D.asking for more rights

听力原文:W:Excuse me,what's the time,please?
M:Sorry,I don't know.My watch is at home.
W:Hi,Tom.Could you tell me the time,please?
M:It's 5:15.
Q:What time is it?
A.It's 5:05.
B.It's 5:15.
C.It's 4:15.

What's the workers' reaction to Taylor's innovation?
A.Workers complained they could not create because of the innovation.
B.Workers complained that Taylor carried out his policy without sympathy.
C.Workers complained that Taylor should tell them the " stress" resulted from the innovation.
D.Workers complained that Taylor's focus on process stripped their jobs of creativity and pride.

What made home a cozier extension of the office?
A.Telecommuting and cell phones.
B.The innovation and creation.
C.The nirvana and paradise.
D.Computers and E-mail.

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