51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

only new one ?I hope no. The boy sitting next to me is



And my teacher, too. He told us that we could share our


Section IV Writing

(35 minutes)

Directions :

Read the following statement and write an essay on it. In your essay, you should

1) state your opinion, and

2) support it with examples.

"The man who reads well is the man who thinks well, who has a background for opinion and

a stand for judgment. "

You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

根据下列材料请回答 76~85 题:

This is my first writing in the new class.I afraid I may 76.___

make lots of mistake.But without practice,I can never 77.___

make progress.Now I’m in a new town or a new school. 78.___

The other.children all seem know one another.Am I me79.___

only new one?I hope no.The boy sitting next to me is 80.___

Calvin.He seems nice.so、do my other neighbor,Ann.81.___

And my teacher,too.He told us that we could share our 82.___

writing if we wanted to.I’m not for sure if l will.I might 83.___

just keeping it a secret,at least for a while,until I get to 84.___

know everyone better.That shouldn’t spend too long,though.85.___

第 76 题 请在(76)处填上最佳答案。

【参考解析】:afraid前面加am。be afraid of表示的意思是“害怕、恐怕”,属于固定短语用法。

For Questions 1~5 ,you will hear a passage about a visit to the City,Zoo given by a tourist guide. While you listen, complete the sentences and answer the question. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice, You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below.

第 1 题 第1题的答案是___

jus tkeeping it a secret, at least for a while, until I get to

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