51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情


Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

The central question is whether we have allowed a culture to develop that disables people for the challenges of marriage. Social emphasis on selfishness and self-centeredness, and the achievement-oriented ethic of our business world encourage us to put family in second place. Marriage often represents the transition from such a world of selfishness to a world of giving. Family life is the normal context in which we can learn that a life tilled with thinking about others instead of ourselves is the sure road to the most fulfilling joys and satisfactions.

But instead of preparing young people to learn this lesson, often we actually seem to be preparing them more for divorce than for marriage. Largely ignorant of the mysteries of giving, too many people enter marriage with high expectations of direct personal satisfaction, only to find themselves inevitably disappointed.


The Endangered Species Act orders the U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Service, a branch of the Department of the Interior, protect species recognized 【M1】 __

as endangered, without regard of cost. The goal is to banish extinction from 【M2】 __

the U.S. Unfortunately, the present system has managed utterly to do this. 【M3】 __

Species are going extinct anyway, and the threats are multiplying. For every

species that Fish and Wildlife have successfully removed from the 【M4】 __

endangered list in the past two decades, it has added more than one hundred


Because human interest cannot be ignored, not all species can be 【M5】 __

saved. Yet the current system demands the unattainable all species must be

saved, and human benefits must be ignored. Amplifying this dissonance

has been an unwilling in Congress. As a result, file agency has been driven 【M6】 __

to impose conservation tasks at those private-property owners who are 【M7】 __

lucky enough to have land sustains endangered species. To be safe 【M8】 __

against, possible prosecution, they must verify that using their property will 【M9】 __

cause the creature no harm. Endangered species thus become a liability

that encourages otherwise responsible citizens to call in the bulldozers at the

first glimpse of an endangered bird and lizard. 【M10】 __


Whitney Houston, a famous American singer, has sung a popular Olympic song named ______.

Some people __ the dangers of cigarette smoking.(没有认识到)

You and your partner will speak to each other. You will ask and answer questions. The examiner will give you a card with some information on it. The examiner will give your partner another card with some words on it. Your partner will use the words on the card to ask you questions about the information you have. Then you will change roles.

American this year will swallow 15, 000 tons drugs of

aspirin, one of safest and most effective invented by man. 【M1】__

The most popular medicines in the world today, it is an el- 【M2】__

fective pain reliever. Its bad effects are relatively mild, and it

is cheap.

For millions of people suffered from arthritis, it is the 【M3】__

only thing that works. Aspirin, in short, is truly the 20th –

century wonder drug. It is also the second largest

suicide drug and is the leading cause of poisoning between chil-【M4】__

dren. It has side effects that, if relatively mild, are largely 【M5】__

unrecognized among users.

Although aspirin was first sold by a German company

in 1899,it has been around more longer than that. Hippocra-

tes, in ancient Greece, understood the medical value of the

leaves and tree bark which today are known to contain salic- 【M6】__

ylates(水杨酸盐), the chemical in aspirin. During the 19th

century, there was a great number of experimentation in Eu- 【M7】__

rope with this chemical and it led in the introduction of aspi-

rin. By 1915, aspirin tablets were available in the United 【M8】__


A small quantity of aspirin (two five - grain tablets)

relieves pain and inflammation. It also reduces down fever 【M9】__

by interfering with some of the body’s reactions. Specifical-

ly, aspirin seems to slow down the formation of the acids in-

volved in pain and the complex chemical reactions that

cause fever. The chemistry of these acids is not fully under-

stood, and the slowing effect of aspirin is well known. 【M10】__


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