51搜题 >学历教育 >外语类 >试题详情

All key parameters of an alliance relationship have to be planned comprehensively.


Who was really busy?

The author says it is __ that teachers be sympathetic with their students.

Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did to heaven, for he was

a brisk, lovely young hunter. She abandoned her residence

at Olympus and took to the woods, where she dressed

herself up like a huntress and kept the youth companion all day 【M1】 __

long. With him she roved through bushy grounds and groves and

over hills and dales, cheering hounds and pursuing game of a

harmless sort. They had a great time together. So, she 【M2】 __

warned him many times to chase wild beasts like lions and 【M3】 __

wolves, but the young man just laughed at the idea.

One day, after warning him thus, she left to Olympus in 【M4】 __

her chariot. Quite by chance Adonis' hounds found a boar, that 【M5】 __

roused Adonis to enthusiasm. He hit the beast with a dart, and 【M6】 __

the boar, turning on him ,buried its white tusk deep into his

tender side and trampled him to death.

When Aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death,

she burst into a passion of tears: Unable to wrest him back from

the low world, she sprinkled nectar on Adonis' blood and 【M7】 __

turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower.

Aphrodite was, therefore, still inconsolable. In grief and 【M8】 __

despair she flew to Zeus and implored him to restore Adonis to

her. Though she had Zeus' sympathy, Hades was by no means

prepared to comply with her request. After the much dispute a 【M9】 __

compromise was worked out under which Adonis was to spend

half the year above ground with Aphrodite, but the rest six 【M10】 __

months in the Elysian Fields. Therefore, in spring time Adonis

came back to the loving embrace of Aphrodite, but when winter

came he had to return most reluctantly to Hades.



Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

Naturally, the spirit of carnival and the enthusiasm for high and military adventure were soon disappeared once the eager young men had received a good taste of twentieth-century warfare. To their lasting glory, they fought with distinction, but it was a much-altered group of soldiers who returned from the battlefields in 1919. Especially was tree of the college contingent, whose idealism had led them to enlist early and who had generally seen a considerable amount of action. To them, it was bitter to return to a home town virtually untouched by the war, where citizens still talked with the naive Fourth-of-July joy they themselves had been guilty of two or three years earlier. It was even more bitter to find that their old jobs had been taken by the stay-at-homes, that business was suffering a recession that prevented the opening up of new jobs, and that veterans were considered problem children and less desirable than non-veterans for whatever business opportunities that did exist. Their very homes were often uncomfortable to them, they had outgrown towns and families and had developed a sudden bewildering worldweariness which neither they nor their relatives could understand.

The(distant) __ between the two cities is quite difficult to figure out.

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